Wash the tomatoes, and delicately cut a hat on top without piercing them and recover the pulp, crushr -the
In the bottom of each emptied tomato put a small pinch of coarse salt and let it drain
Peel the garlic and finely chop, peel and finely chop the ginger.
In a container put the thawed ground beef, add the sausage meat, garlic and ginger, then the liver mousse and tomato pulp, the cooked rice; salt and pepper from the mill.
Mix all these ingredients well, taste to check the seasoning.
Turn the tomatoes over on a rack or paper towel to drain.
Garnish each tomato with this device, on top put a knob of butter and put the hat back on top, arrange the tomatoes in a baking dish.
Put the dish in the oven (th.180°C) and cook for 35 to 40 minutes,
Place on a platter of green salad.
Chef Hubert's recipe