Family Best Time >> Food

Escalopes of salmon and goose foie gras pan-fried with chanterelle mushrooms

Ingredients:4 people
  • salmon
    4 cutlets of 100 g
  • goose liver
    4 cutlets of approximately 35 g
  • baby onions
  • chanterelles
    100 g
  • artichoke
  • tomato
  • chives
    a few sprigs
  • sauce:chicken stock
    15 cl
  • whipping cream
    40 cl
  • cooked goose foie gras
    50 g

  • Preparation time:20 minutes
  • Cooking time:15 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 2]


Reduce to ice 15 cl of chicken stock, pour 40 cl of whipping cream, let reduce by 1/5, mix 50 g of cooked goose liver, adjust the seasoning, pass through a fine sieve. (It is important not to boil this sauce).

Cook the baby onions in salted water.

Fry the chanterelles in butter.

Cook your artichoke in a white then cut it into quarters. Peel and seed the tomato, cut it into fine dice.

Pan-fry your salmon cutlets with a little soy oil, as well as goose foie gras (cooking al dente).

In the center of the plate, arrange the salmon, the goose liver and put around the baby onions, the chanterelles and the artichoke quarters; a little coarse salt on the goose foie gras. Spread the sauce around the dishes; sprinkle with diced tomato and chopped chives.

Escalopes of salmon and goose foie gras pan-fried with chanterelle mushrooms

Source:Patrick Fülgraff. Red Iron. Colmar. Foie Gras:Fabienne Labeyrie.

Escalopes of salmon and goose foie gras pan-fried with chanterelle mushrooms

Hubert wishes you happy holidays