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THE ESSENTIAL Trick To Quickly Extinguish an Oil Fire.

THE ESSENTIAL Trick To Quickly Extinguish an Oil Fire.

When oil is left to heat up too long, a oil fire starts quickly.

It can happen in a pan as well as in a saucepan.

Indeed, vegetable oils catch fire when the temperature exceeds 230°C.

Don't panic if this happens to you! There is a simple trick to put out an oil fire quickly.

The trick is to cover the fire gradually to smother it and thus stop the flames. Watch the video (without sound):

Do not hesitate to watch this video again by clicking on the "replay" button at the bottom left of the video.

How to

1. Take a lid with a long handle preferably.

2. Cover gradually the pan with.

3. Wait a few seconds .

4. Gently remove the lid.


There you go, you have extinguished the oil fire quickly without risk :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

Of course, this trick works just as well with a pan as it does with a saucepan.

Don't have a lid with a long handle? We recommend this one.

NEVER throw water on burning oil!

Did you know that you should never trying to put out an oil fire with water? You don't believe me?

Watch what happens in slow motion in the video above.


Because if you put water on oil on fire, the water sinks to the bottom of the pan.

Then it boils in an instant and expels all the oil into the air, which greatly increases the burning surface.

As a result, the fire will grow instead of dying!

It can end very badly... Some people have burned down their kitchen or house with this bad method.