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The Chef's Tip To Tenderize Your Meat Easily With Baking Soda.

The Chef s Tip To Tenderize Your Meat Easily With Baking Soda.

Do you like tender meat? Me too, I love !

This is true for both barbecued meat and pan-fried meat.

The problem is that this meat tenderness is not always easy to obtain. So how do you tenderize meat with baking soda?

Fortunately, a cook friend revealed to me an easy and super effective trick to tenderize meat easily.

To get a melt-in-your-mouth piece, big or small, just use baking soda . Watch:

The Chef s Tip To Tenderize Your Meat Easily With Baking Soda.

  • For a large piece of meat
  • For small pieces or slices
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

For a large piece of meat

1. Roll the piece of meat in a plate filled with baking soda.

2. Cover the meat with plastic wrap.

3. Leave to rest for at least 4 hours in the fridge.

4. Rinse the meat thoroughly with cold water to remove all the baking soda.

5. Cook your meat the way you want.

For small pieces or slices

1. In a bowl, mix baking soda with a little water. For 100 g of meat, count a teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 glass of water.

2. Soak the pieces of meat in the bowl for at least 15 min.

3. Remove the meat from the bowl.

4. Rinse well with cold water.

5. Cook your meat the way you want.


And There you go ! Thanks to this chef's trick, your meat is now super tender :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Each piece melts in your mouth... Yum, it's delicious!

And this trick works just as well for pieces of meat cooked in the grill as in the pan and even those cooked to perfection.

And it works for chicken, roast veal, veal, pork chop, bourguignon, sautéed veal, beef for brochette, sirloin, beef tongue, pork or wild boar.

Why does it work?

The Chef s Tip To Tenderize Your Meat Easily With Baking Soda.

The advantage of this trick is that you can use it for any type of meat:beef, pork, chicken, veal, wild boar, rabbit and even beef bourguignon.

This technique works particularly well with small slices of meat, because their entire surface soaks up the baking soda.

As baking soda helps to alkalize (make less acidic) the surface of the meat.

This prevents the proteins from binding too easily and thus allows the meat to retain its tenderness during cooking.