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8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

Ghee is a clarified butter that is eaten in India.

It's also a bit the major ingredient of their gastronomy:it's everywhere.

And I confess that I did not know.

However, it is a product full of benefits and virtues.

It would still be a shame to deprive yourself of it, wouldn't it?

It was an Indian cook who explained to me all the benefits of ghee and especially how to use it.

Here are 8 health benefits of ghee that no one knows about . Watch:

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

  • What is ghee, by the way?
  • 1. Is rich in Omega 3
  • 2. Promotes cell regeneration
  • 3. Absorbs well through the intestine
  • 4. Is very nutritious
  • 5. Maintains the nervous system
  • 6. Strengthens the immune system
  • 7. Relieves cough
  • 8. Heals skin problems
  • Can you make homemade ghee?

Ghee, what is it by the way?

It is so-called "clarified" butter.

That is to say that water, casein and lactose have been removed from it by heating it at a low temperature.

This process is completely natural and without the addition of other substances.

As it no longer contains lactose, it is ideal for people who are intolerant to it.

Without casein, you no longer feel any inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Did you know that it is also called "smen" in the Middle East?

1. Is rich in Omega 3

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

Ghee is particularly rich in Omega 3.

What does that mean?

It is excellent for the development of the nervous system:

It is also recommended for pregnant women and children.

It's also excellent for vision but that's not all!

It also lowers the risk of heart disease. How?

By reducing blood pressure and "bad" cholesterol levels.

Ghee is therefore recommended for those on a diet to lower their cholesterol.

2. Promotes cell regeneration

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

Vitamins A, E, D, K...

Ghee is a mine of vitamins, each one equally good for our body.

Vitamin A allows the elimination of free radicals which accelerate the aging of the skin and organs.

And vitamin E is an antioxidant. That is to say, it protects the cells from premature aging.

Vitamins D and K ensure the quality of muscle and bone tissue.

In other words, this very nutritious butter really helps to improve our health and the external appearance of the skin.

3. Absorbs well through the intestine

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

Butter is sometimes poorly assimilated by those who have intestinal problems or a weak stomach.

But since it is free of casein, ghee is much more digestible.

Indeed, it does not cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system.


The butyric acid contained in smen is anti-inflammatory and softens the intestinal walls.

An interesting food for those who suffer from Crohn's disease.

But also for those who are often constipated.

If this is your case, dilute 2 teaspoons of ghee in a glass of hot milk.

Drink this grandmother's remedy in the evening before bedtime.

4. Is very nutritious

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

Because it is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, ghee is a super nutritious food.

This is why pregnant or breastfeeding women in India eat it regularly.

It's a real source of energy.

But that's not all!

It also contains many vitamins essential for health.

Among others vitamins A, D, E and K.

5. Maintains the nervous system

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

According to Ayurveda, which is an Indian alternative medicine, ghee maintains the nervous system.


Over time and poor nutrition, the cells of the nervous system dry up and deteriorate.

Ghee provides them with good fats, like a lubricant to allow them to function as they should.

6. Strengthens the immune system

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

As we have seen, this food is rich in nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and omega 3 .

But it is also a source of healthy fats for the body.

And it's not nothing, because it helps to maintain and stimulate it.

And who says healthy body, says strengthened immune system!

7. Relieves cough

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

In case of dry cough that attacks the throat, ghee helps to soften it.

Take 2 teaspoons of lukewarm organic ghee letting it gently flow down your throat.

Thanks to its soft consistency and anti-inflammatory action, ghee instantly relieves the throat.

For an even stronger remedy, mix some ghee with ginger powder.

Then, absorb this natural remedy 2 or 3 times a day.

8. Heals skin problems

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (That Nobody Knows).

Ghee can be used to moisturize the skin.

This treatment is called Shata Dhauta Ghrita in Sanskrit.

To prepare it, simply mix equal parts ghee and water in a mixer on low speed.

When the mixture turns white (like butter), it's ready!

Apply this cream to your face or body for 10 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

The hydration is intense.

But that's not all!

This treatment is excellent for soothing burns, sunburn or painful scars.

Or to relieve small wounds due to psoriasis, eczema or chicken pox...

It is also recommended for pregnant women who may have stretch marks.

For the hair, it moisturizes the fiber and prevents split ends or breakage.

Can we make homemade ghee?

Yes ! And it's a very easy recipe to make.

To make ghee yourself, you need 500 g of butter and 2 pans.

Cut the butter into small pieces and put it in a saucepan.

Immerse the pan in a larger one so as to make a bain-marie.

Heat over low heat for 30 minutes.

Skim off the white part that rises to the surface.

When it's gone, it's ready!

Pour the remaining yellow liquid into a jar and allow to cool. The ghee will solidify.