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Coconut Blossom Sugar:10 Benefits Nobody Knows.

Coconut Blossom Sugar:10 Benefits Nobody Knows.

We now know that eating too much sugar is bad for your health.

It is especially necessary to avoid refined white sugar.

Indeed, it increases the acidity in our body and increases the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular problems.

Fortunately, there are healthy alternatives for cooking equally delicious recipes:honey, agave syrup or rapadura.

But another lesser-known food also deserves some attention:coconut blossom sugar.

Here are 10 advantages and benefits of coconut blossom sugar that no one knows about . Watch:

Coconut Blossom Sugar:10 Benefits Nobody Knows.

1. Besides the fact that it changes from the ordinary, the coconut blossom sugar is delicious . Its pretty brown color comes from its cooking. Indeed, the sap is not consumed raw, it has been cooked before. This brings a very greedy little taste of caramel which makes it delicious.

2. It contributes to the health of the intestinal flora thanks to a perfectly soluble fiber in our intestines. This is inulin, a prebiotic which it would be a shame to do without, especially if you are subject to transit problems.

3. Coconut blossom sugar contains full of vitamins and minerals good for health:polyphenols, potassium, zinc, iron... Unlike refined sugar, consuming coconut sugar is therefore not just about swallowing calories, it is also about doing yourself good while having fun .

4. Coconut blossom sugar is also very rich in vitamins B and C , thanks to the fructose, sucrose and glucose it naturally contains.

5. For diabetics, it is particularly necessary to pay attention to their blood sugar. The major advantage of coconut blossom sugar is therefore its very low glycemic index , to about 24.5 by European standards. This is obviously not the case for the other sugars:this index explodes with white sugar (70) and cane sugar (65).

6. Thanks to its super sweetening power, we put less than white or cane sugar or even agave syrup. Another good point for our line and our health!

7. Compared to other sugars we know (beet, sugar cane or agave), its carbon footprint is really the lowest . Indeed, a coconut tree lives for decades and all of its products are exploited without waste and locally for its coconuts of course, but also to make sugar, vinegar or even alcohol.

8. According to the UN, coconut blossom sugar is the most sustainable sugar . Its culture is indeed respectful of those who live from local agriculture and the environment. Widespread in India, Gandhi even described this culture as "a poison against misery".

9. Whatever your tastes, coconut blossom sugar will win you over. Light in color, its fragrance is sweet . And if you like strong flavors, you'll love the dark brown sugar.

10. To be enjoyed like honey, coconut blossom sugar is absolutely delicious in a natural yogurt , on a fresh fruit salad, in a hot tea or even in a freshly squeezed lemon juice to start the day off right!

What exactly is coconut blossom sugar?

Coconut Blossom Sugar:10 Benefits Nobody Knows.

Coconut blossom sugar or "coconut sugar" is completely natural. It comes from a flower called "Coco Nucifera ".

It is a kind of coconut palm that is found mostly in tropical areas, especially in South America and India.

As soon as it reaches the age of 15, this tree produces a delicious sap.

It does it in large quantities since we can extract up to 25 kg daily!

The harvest is however a little perilous... You have to climb to the top of the coconut tree, then shake the stems of the coconut flowers vigorously.

By shaking them, we thus manage to extract the sap which is collected in a container attached to its end.

Once harvested, the coconut flower sap is heated to evaporate all the water and only keep a delicious syrup. This is coconut nectar or "coconut sugar".

At this point, it is still liquid. Then, to transform it into small crystallized grains, this syrup is shaken mechanically until thousands of small crystals are formed.

There you go, the coconut blossom sugar is ready to be tasted!

Where to find cheap coconut blossom sugar?

If the advantages and benefits of coconut sugar have convinced you, you can find it in organic stores...

...but also on the Internet. I recommend this one that I use daily to sweeten both my cakes and my tea.

Your turn...

Have you tried coconut blossom sugar? Tell us in the comments if you like this food. We can't wait to read you!