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Cheap menu ideas for beautiful skin.

Cheap menu ideas for beautiful skin.

Glowing and healthy skin also depends on diet . From main course to dessert, here are some inexpensive menu ideas to keep your complexion fresh and luminous this summer!

What do we cook as a starter?

The traditional starter of the summer is obviously the crudités. One of the best recipes is surely the carrot, zucchini and radish salad, to be seasoned with a cream cheese sauce, lemon juice and chives or a vinaigrette. A hydration cocktail, with water-soaked vegetables and beta-carotene , with a "healthy glow" effect.

We can also think of gazpacho. Mixed vegetables with garlic or onion, olive oil, vinegar and tabasco, it's original, cheap and refreshing. Tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados... Bet on hydrating vegetables and vitamins, for a rejuvenated complexion and well-nourished skin. And don't forget the little touch of fresh mint or basil for flavor!

The main course

To eat beauty is to eat fish. On the menu, fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon and trout, rich in vitamin F and fatty acids , for firmer, younger looking skin. En papillote with mixed vegetables and a drizzle of olive oil or marinated with fennel, coriander, olive oil and lime for vitamin C, it's a treat!

And for dessert?

Treat yourself to a makeover with a fruit salad or soup. They can also be cut up and added to 0% cottage cheese, since dairy products are known to hydrate and revitalize the epidermis. For the choice of fruit , there is no restriction. Melons, peaches, nectarines, cherries, raspberries, currants, blackcurrants... They are full of water and vitamins !

And last little tip, don't forget to drink water throughout the day, to eliminate toxins and keep a peachy complexion!

Savings Achieved

Tasty meals will cost you less money than buying vitamins, antioxidants and other capsules at €7 a box.

It is sure that making a beautiful skin meal from starter to dessert every day is expensive. That's why we suggest you eat these fresh products once or twice a week. To do yourself some good, why not divide them into your usual meals with a fresh starter on Monday and Thursday, a fish on Wednesday and a small portion of fruit with each dessert, for example.

Also remember to buy your food (especially fruits and vegetables) at the market. They will be much cheaper since you can take them individually, and tastier too!

What do you eat to maintain beautiful skin? Tell us your secrets by leaving a few comments, let us enjoy :).