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How to use honey without putting it all over the table?

How to use honey without putting it all over the table?

If like me you have trouble using honey without everywhere, I have 2 little tips that should help you keep your table clean.

What I like is having brunch on Sunday morning, with honey toast, LOTS of honey toast! The only problem is that at the end of brunch there is more honey on the table than in my stomach. Fortunately, over time, I learned 2 simple little tricks to avoid disaster.

The lid trick

This is a very simple trick taught to me by a friend of mine. Just place a lid under the honey jar. The lid should be a little wider than the jar and the edges should be curved, like those found on jam jars for example.

That way, when you take out the spoon full of honey, the honey will flow into the lid, not onto the table! I can tell you that this trick saved me a lot of drama...

The spoon trick

This second trick takes a bit more time but it can help when you're away from home and the owner of the honeypot doesn't know the lid trick.

In fact, it's simple, just turn the spoon on itself taking it out of the pot, as if it were a plate of spaghetti. This way, any overflowing liquid sticks to the back of the spoon and doesn't fall back mid-flight!

Have you tried any of these tricks? Do you know of any others so as not to put honey everywhere? We can't wait to take advantage of your knowledge in the comments!

How to use honey without putting it all over the table?

Savings Achieved

A good jar of honey can cost around €8. It's expensive if we put half of it on the table, don't you think? As for the price of a table, it's very variable, but anyway it's still a shame to ruin it.

To avoid having to buy honey and a table every four mornings, my two tips are ideal and really very simple to apply. Just think about it and tell yourself that after all, prevention is better than cure!