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My 4 Tips for Getting the Most Juice from My Lemons.

My 4 Tips for Getting the Most Juice from My Lemons.

Every morning I drink lemon juice. It wakes me up right away. And to have the maximum of lemon juice, I know 4 tricks.

It's hard to know, when you buy them in supermarkets, which of all these lemons is the juiciest.

So I buy several to make my daily lemon juice. A lemon a day helps burn fat and is good for digestion. Might as well start the day on the right foot. Might as well start it with a very juicy lemon.

When I buy them, I don't know if they are juicy or not. But to stop being fooled with dried lemons, I have 4 infallible secrets. That way, juicy lemon or not, I'll still have my daily juice, no matter what.

1. Refrigerator or Cold Water? Choice

If I think the day before for the next day about my lemon juice, I can put it in the refrigerator. I can also soak them overnight in cold water for the same result. Just think about it a bit in advance.

2. The Quick and Easy Palm Method

Damn ! I forgot to soak my lemons again the night before. And this morning, my lemons are a little too hard and therefore difficult to squeeze. No problem. In this case, I take my lemon which I roll under the palms of my hands like making a ball. This softens the lemon and thus breaks the pulp easily. Squeezing them becomes child's play.

3. A Good Hot Water Bath

No, not for you, sorry...the right hot water bath is for your lemons. Especially if they are a little soft. Soak them for 3 minutes in hot water to facilitate the obtaining of the juice.

4. A Little Microwave Tour

Last possibility, the microwave. Again, this is ideal if you don't have time or if you forgot to put them in the fridge the night before. By putting them on 15 sec. in the microwave (no more than 750 Watts), you will easily get a good lemon juice.

With these 4 possibilities, you now know how to get the most lemon juice, whether your lemons are too hard or a little soft. Alternatively, half a lemon can help remove bad smells from your fridge. Nothing is wasted at How-to-Save!

Did you know these little secrets to get lemon juice easily? Do you have any other tips to share with us? Tell me in the comments.