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Grandma's Tip for Storing Butter Without the Fridge.

Grandma s Tip for Storing Butter Without the Fridge.

A thunderstorm broke out tonight and seems to want to knock out your power for the whole night. Your fridge no longer works. But how are you going to store the butter tonight?

Looking for a way to store butter out of the fridge?

Fortunately, there is a grandmother's trick for keeping butter without a fridge. The trick is to wrap it in a cloth soaked in vinegar water.

Grandma s Tip for Storing Butter Without the Fridge.

How to

1. Take a clean towel.

2. Mix cold water and vinegar.

3. Dip your tea towel in this mixture.

4. Put the butter in the tea towel.

5. Close the tea towel tightly.


And There you go ! You will be able to keep the butter out of the fridge for several days :-) Your sandwiches will be safe and sound the next day!