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How To Grow Unlimited Amount Of Ginger At Home?

How To Grow Unlimited Amount Of Ginger At Home?

Ginger is an ideal plant to grow at home.

Why ? Because it requires little light and loves heat.

You can let some of its parts continue to grow in the ground while using the rest.

Not to mention its delicious taste, which makes it even more appealing!

Its roots are commonly used for tea, herbal blends and cooking.

Maturing ginger to be edible takes about 10 months.

But beware, it does not resist the cold. It is therefore best to keep it indoors until warm temperatures return outside.

How To Grow Unlimited Amount Of Ginger At Home?

Where to buy ginger

You can get ginger from garden centers or seed catalogs. However, it is rarely found at local horticulturists.

Ginger bought at the grocery store can also be planted, but the results will be much worse.

Indeed, it is often treated to prevent it from sprouting, which prevents it from growing.

If you still want to try, we invite you to soak it in water overnight to get rid of some of its pesticides.

Useful tips for growing ginger at home

Choose a plump root that is neither too old nor dried out. Prefer one that already has several very green sprouts.

Cut each sprout and plant each one in a separate pot for growth.

Ginger grows horizontally, so choose fairly wide and shallow pots.

The step-by-step guide to growing ginger at home

1. Soak ginger overnight in lukewarm water to flush out toxic chemicals.

2. Fill the pot with rich, well-drained soil.

3. Put the root in the ground with its bud pointing upwards.

4. Cover the root with a few inches of soil and water.

5. Place the ginger jar somewhere warm and not too sunny.

6. Maintain soil moisture with a sprayer or light watering.

7. After a few weeks you should be able to see some sprouts in the soil.

8. Continue with regular watering to keep the pot moist.

How to harvest homemade ginger

You will soon be able to harvest the first ginger roots.

For this, raise the earth a little to find rhizomes underneath. What are rhizomes? These are the underground parts of the stem.

Cut the desired amount around the edges of the pot, and put the soil back afterwards.

As long as you take good care of the ginger, the production will never stop and you can harvest it constantly.

In case you need a larger harvest, you can unpot the whole plant and replant a few rhizomes in different pots to grow them in turn.

This way you will have even more ginger in your home!


And There you go ! You have grown your ginger at home :-)