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21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Love tricks that make life easier? U.S. too !

At, we have prepared a list of our best cooking tips!

Not only will these 21 grandma's tips and tricks save you time...

...but in addition, they will allow you to clean and organize your kitchen much more easily.

Here are 21 truly amazing cooking hacks that no one knows about . Watch:

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

1. How to remove seeds from vegetables quickly

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

To remove seeds from zucchini and pumpkins in a jiffy, use a simple ice cream scoop , like this one. The sharp edge of the ice cream scoops is perfect for deseeding and scooping out all types of seeds and pips from vegetables, effortlessly! You can even use it to "cut" your fruits and vegetables by scraping thin slices and serving them in salads.

To discover: Don't Throw Away Melon Seeds! Collect them to eat them as an aperitif.

2. How to remove fat from overly greasy dishes

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

You have just prepared a dish, but you have just realized that it is much too fatty? You can easily remove excess fat using a few ice cubes and a paper towel! Just wrap the ice cubes in the paper towel and lightly rub the surface of the food . And there, magic:the ice cubes act like a magnet. The cold will naturally attract the grease, which freezes on the paper towel. Find out how here.

3. How to unroll cling film easily

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Is your cling film tearing and sticking every time you try to unroll or stretch it? A nightmare ! So, do as the professional chefs do:store your roll of cling wrap in the fridge . Once cooled, the cling film unrolls more easily and it tears cleanly. No more frustration!

To discover: How To Replace Plastic Cling Film With REUSABLE Film.

4. How to easily peel citrus fruits

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Having trouble peeling an orange, a tangerine or a lemon? Or maybe you just don't want to ruin your beautiful manicure by peeling off thick hard bark with your fingernails? Grandma's trick is to put the citrus in the microwave for 20 seconds . Thus, the peel of the citrus fruits softens and is removed in a single turn of the hand.

To discover: The Amazing Trick to Peel an Orange Without Getting Your Hands Dirty.

5. How to peel hard-boiled eggs more easily

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

It's a simple trick as hell but very effective. Add a pinch of baking soda or a drizzle of white vinegar to the cooking water boiled eggs. These 2 magical products seep under the shells and make them 100 times easier to peel. And know that there is also a pro trick for peeling several hard-boiled eggs at the same time . Click here to find out.

To discover: 12 Essential Tips to Know Before Cooking Eggs.

6. How to get the most juice from an orange or lemon

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

To squeeze every last drop out of an orange, put it in the fridge first, then quickly put it in the microwave for 15-20 sec . This effective trick also works for lemons or any other citrus fruit.

To discover: 6 Tricks To Squeeze Your Lemons Easier And Get More Juice.

7. How to grate soft cheeses without getting it everywhere

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Easy ! Simply put the soft cheese in the freezer for 30 min before to grate it. Thus, the cheese hardens slightly and no longer sticks to the grater. And the other advantage is that with this method the cheese is also easier to sprinkle on your dishes. And do you know the little magic trick to easily clean a cheese grater? It is to use a simple potato! The tutorial is here.

To discover: 14 Surprising Foods You Can Freeze Very Easily.

8. How to cut an onion without shedding a tear

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Once again, here the freezer is your best ally in the kitchen. Before slicing the onions, put them in the freezer for 30 min . However, use this method only for the onions you are going to cook. Because if after a passage in the freezer you put the onions in a salad, know that they will lose their delicious crunch.

To discover: The 7 Best Ways to Peel Onions Without Crying.

9. How to prevent cooking water from overflowing

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Pasta cooking water often tends to overflow, especially when your back is turned. The easy trick to prevent boiling water from boiling over is to put a wooden spoon across the pan . It's magic:the wood will prevent the foam from overflowing the edges of the pan. Check out the trick here.

To discover: Here's How To Avoid Sticky Pasta Once And For All.

10. How to roast a whole chicken faster

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

When roasting a whole chicken in the oven, always lay the chicken breast side down . Indeed, it is the breast that contains the most meat. So, the closer you bring the breast to the heat source of the oven, the faster the chicken will cook. This trick also works for other poultry.

To discover: How to Brown a Chicken in the Oven?

11. How to make muffins WITHOUT a muffin tin

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Want to make muffins or cupcakes but don't have a muffin tin? The simple solution is to use pieces of baking paper as cases to bake your muffins. This method has another advantage:each of your muffins will have a unique shape, which makes them much more original and delicious.

To discover: 8 Awesome Tips For Cupcake Fans To Know.

12. How to reheat a pizza in the microwave

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

When using the microwave to reheat your pizza, put a cup filled with water next to the pizza . The humidity will prevent the dough from drying out, which allows it to perfectly retain its delicious crispness. This trick also works for quiches, pies and any other baked preparation. Find out how here.

To discover: How to Reheat a Pizza WITHOUT an Oven? The Quick and Easy Tip.

13. How to successfully cook eggs in a frying pan

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

First, gently crack your eggs into a lightly oiled pan, without piercing the yolk. Then, add a drizzle of water to the pan . And only after this step, heat your pan over medium heat:this is a technique called cold starting. In this way, you obtain perfect cooking of the eggs in the pan, with a yolk that is neither too liquid nor too stiff. Yum!

To discover: Here is the Cooking Time For a Hard-boiled, Boiled, Soft-boiled and Poached Egg.

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

14. How to store aromatic herbs

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Not many people know this, but you can freeze your herbs in ice cube trays , which preserves all their flavors, but also their vitamin content. Simply cover them with a little water or olive oil before putting them in the freezer. Find out how here.

Know that there are also techniques to keep aromatic herbs longer in the refrigerator. You can wrap them in a piece of paper towel and put them in a freezer bag. Check out the easy tutorial here.

To discover: Herbs:18 Clever Ways to Grow Them Indoors.

15. How to store walnut kernels

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Put the walnut kernels in the freezer not only retains their nutritional properties, but also their flavor and aroma. Just wrap them in airtight containers before putting them in the freezer. This trick works for nuts and also for other nuts:hazelnuts, cashews, etc.

But be careful, do not roast the nuts before freezing them. Storing kernels in the freezer works only if the nuts are raw . Preserved in this way, the walnuts will not have the rancid taste that kernels that remain too long at room temperature can develop.

To discover: 18 Health Benefits of Nuts Nobody Knows.

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

16. How to clean a cast iron skillet easily

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

To avoid the appearance of rust and to properly clean a cast iron skillet, avoid using ordinary dishwashing liquid. Instead, scrub the cast iron with salt and a sponge . The other advantage of this method is that it also eliminates the stubborn odors that the spices can leave behind during cooking.

To discover: 7 Easy Tips For Cleaning All Types Of Pots And Pans.

17. How to get rid of bad odors on your hands

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

To easily remove stubborn garlic or onion odors from your hands, use a little salt or lemon . It's easy and super effective:just rub salt or lemon on your hands and then rinse them with water.

To discover: 6 Tricks To Easily Remove Bad Odors From Hands.

18. How to make stainless steel utensils shine

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

To restore your stainless steel kitchen utensils to their original shine, clean them in a mixture of water and white vinegar . And to give them even more shine, let the stainless steel utensils soak overnight in this same mixture (but only if they are entirely made of stainless steel).

To discover: Fingerprints On Stainless Steel? The Magic Trick That Prevents Traces FROM COMING BACK.

19. How to refurbish wooden spoons

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

Over time, spoons, spatulas and other wooden utensils show signs of wear and absorb stubborn cooking odors more easily. But don't throw away your trusty wooden spatula just yet, because there's a grandma's trick to getting it back to new. Just do boil your old wooden utensils in water, then let them dry in the sun. This little trick will not only eliminate bad smells from wooden utensils, but also give them a second life.

To discover: The Incredible Wooden Spoon:11 Tips For Taking Care Of It And Using It Well.

20. How to clean a wooden cutting board

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

To eliminate stubborn odors and food residues but also to disinfect the wood, rub your cutting board with coarse salt and let the salt act for 10 to 15 min. Then pass a lemon cut in half on the wood and dry with a cloth. This is a surefire way to get rid of bad odors from your wooden cutting boards. Check out the easy tutorial here.

To discover: Wooden or Plastic Cutting Board? The Best Choice For Your Health.

21. How to follow a recipe easily

21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows!

To prepare good homemade dishes, you sometimes have to get out the recipe book. The problem is that by leaving your recipe book open on the worktop, stains and spills are almost inevitable.

To consult your beautiful cookbooks in complete safety, use a simple trouser hanger , like this one. Simply hang the cookbook on the correct page, well above the counter and away from spills. Find out how here.

To discover: The Trick To Cook Your Food In The Pan Without Splashing.

Your turn…

Have you tried these grandmother's hacks that make life in the kitchen easier? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!