Family Best Time >> Food

Wasting less food for the holidays

You are ready to go on vacation and then realize that the fridge is half full. You're not the only one. One in three Dutch people throw away more food for the holidays. With these 4 tips you waste less food.

1. Make an inventory of the contents of your refrigerator a week in advance
A week before you go on vacation, check what's left in your fridge. Make a weekly menu and make sure to use as many ingredients as possible that you have left. In addition, do not do too many new errands.

2. Cook with leftovers for the last few days
You can use many different ingredients in a quiche, salad or soup.

3. Take something with you for the road
Place sandwiches for on the go, make a salad or a fruit smoothie.

4 Give it away
You can make someone else happy with the last fresh products from your fridge. Your mother, the neighbors, a friend or the food bank.