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9 tips to waste less food

Once in a while we are confronted with the facts:'More than half of Dutch households throw away food every week', we read in the news today. A lot of people feel bad about that. Do you belong to that group? Then we have handy tips for wasting less food.

1. Plan ahead
Don't randomly throw different vegetables into your shopping cart. Before you go shopping, think about exactly what you need this week. A meal planning can help you with that.

2. Note the best before date
For something you're going to eat tonight, it doesn't matter that the expiration date is close. If you are only going to use an ingredient in a few days, try to put a product with a slightly longer best-before date in your basket.

Also useful to know: The difference between best before (best before) and use until (use by)

3. Buy smaller packs
In comparison, a small package is often more expensive, but if you always buy a large package and throw away half of it, isn't it cheaper to buy smaller packages?

4. Cook multiple portions at once The leftovers from dinner often make a great lunch for the next day. So you can consciously cook a little extra, so that you don't have any ingredients left over and have a healthy lunch the next day.

5. Eat together more often
Do you often have some food left over and don't feel like eating the same thing the next day? Invite someone to eat together more often.

6. Freeze leftovers
You can think of it as crazy as you can freeze it:cooking cream, wraps, grated cheese, vegetables (most vegetables have to be blanched first). If you have enough space in the freezer, use it. Label the leftovers with name and date, so you know exactly what's in the freezer, because frozen sauces and soups are quite similar.

7. Have well-stocked kitchen cupboards
Get a good basic stock at home, so that you can easily turn your leftovers into something delicious. Tomato sauce, pasta, eggs, dried herbs… Reserve further space for storage containers to keep leftovers and leftovers tightly closed.

8. Organize a leftover day
Save all leftovers and have leftovers at the end of the week. Not in the mood for clique day? With these tips you can turn leftovers into a full meal.

9. Give away leftovers
Do you unexpectedly eat at home less often than expected, but your fridge is still full? Give vegetables away:your mother, your neighbor or your brother may well use them.

Read also
> Can you still eat moldy food?
> Cooking for one person without wasting food
> 10 products that you can simply freeze

Source of research:Rabobank/Gfk | Image:Shutterstock