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10 Food Storage Tips

Never waste products again thanks to my 10 food storage tips. Incorrect storage of food and drinks is often the cause of the products disappearing unused in the trash after a while. A waste, not only for your wallet, but also for the environment. Time to change that with these 10 food storage tips.

10 Tips for food storage

Food waste is a big problem. This is not only due to an abundance of food, but often it is also a matter of incorrect storage of food and drink. And that's a shame. If you pay attention, you can store food and drinks properly and thus prevent food waste. Food can be stored in different ways, it just depends on what it is. Vegetables, meat, fruit, the differences in storage are great. Below you will find a list of 10 tips for food storage.

1. Keep bread fresh for longer

Do you always want to enjoy fresh bread? Then place a piece of celery in the package of bread. This ensures that your bread stays soft and fresh.

2. Keeping cheese longer

Cheese that has been cut quickly tends to mold or get old. However, you can easily prevent this. Simply smear the cheese on the cut sides with a little butter and you will enjoy fresh cheese for a long time to come.

3. Make upside down longer lasting

Whether it's yogurt, sour cream or cottage cheese (Hüttenkaas), they all stay fresh longer if you put them upside down in the fridge. Of course you have to make sure that the lids are closed properly. You can also prefer to put leftovers in a smaller container for easier storage. This also allows you to keep an overview of how much you still have in stock.

4. Keep frying oil fresh

Oil that is used for frying is best stored in a dark and cool place. This prevents it from going rancid and allows you to use it longer.

5. Making snacks and breakfast cereals fresh

If you don't store snacks and cereals correctly, they will be affected by humidity. As a result, the snacks and breakfast cereals become limp and no longer taste good. Do you want to enjoy fresh snacks and breakfast cereals again? Then spread it on a piece of baking paper and put it in the oven at 150˚C for five minutes.

6. Freezing eggs

Have you bought too many eggs and you don't know what to do with them anymore? Instead of making a delicious chocolate banana cake, you can simply freeze the eggs. Take an ice cube mold, break 1 egg in each compartment. Once the eggs are frozen, you can store them in a regular freezer bag. ATTENTION:wash the ice cube mold well after use under running, hot water with plenty of soap!

7. Storing potatoes longer

You probably already knew that it is best to store potatoes in a cool, dark place. But did you also know that potatoes are less likely to sprout if you store them with an apple? A handy and striking tip from these top 10 tips for storing food.

8. Easier freezing

Whether you have a small or large freezer:small, flat packages not only take up less space, but are also easier to defrost. If the hamburgers happen to be on sale or the minced meat, make the hamburgers as flat as possible with a rolling pin. Freeze each burger separately and enjoy easy-to-defrost burgers.

Reading tip:This is how you make the perfect round burgers

9. Soften marshmallows or bacon

Especially during Sinterklaas and Christmas, marshmallows or bacon are very popular. If you have kept these too long in a bag that is not properly closed, they can become hard and therefore less tasty. Don't worry, you really don't have to throw them away. Just put them in a bag, tie a good knot (very important!) and put the bag in hot water. This makes them soft again.

To prevent your bacon from becoming hard in the future, it is best to store them as follows:put the marshmallows in an airtight (closed) container in the freezer.

10. Storing tomatoes longer

Sometimes it's helpful to just stock up on a larger amount, especially when certain fruits and vegetables are on sale. Of course, that also applies if you have had a good harvest in your own garden. You can use tomatoes in homemade ketchup, but you can also just freeze them.

Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and freeze them whole for soups and stews. Do you need the tomatoes? Then hold it under running water for a while and you can easily pull the skin off.

Do you have any tips for storing food? For example, outside the fridge when you are camping or just at home?