Family Best Time >> Food

FoodBattle against food waste

Stale bread, leftover vegetables and potatoes. Do you immediately throw it in the bin? You're not the only one. We throw away an average of 50 kilos of food per person per year. That is possible less!

Double sin
Throwing away food is not only a waste of money, it is also bad for the environment. And while we throw away so much food, 870 million people worldwide have too little food.

Time for action
Vrouwen van Nu is starting the FoodBattle in collaboration with, among others, the Nutrition Center and Milieu Centraal, an action to combat waste and at least reduce it. During the FoodBattle you will receive useful tips for buying, cooking and storing food. The target? Throw away about 20 percent less food after three weeks.

February 10th the Women of Nu Foodbattle will start. You can already register via the pre-registration.
