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Food waste:a community fridge tested in London

Every year, 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted. To fight against this scourge, all solutions, even those on a small scale, are good to take. This is how The People’s Fridge was born, a project led by British volunteers which has made it possible to install a community fridge in the heart of London. This concept, which already exists in Spain, Germany and other cities in the United Kingdom, aims to collect food destined to be thrown away, to redistribute it to those who need it.

2,660 euros raised

To carry out this initiative, The People's Fridge launched a crowdfunding campaign last August. In just a few days, the volunteers had exceeded their goal, set at €1,170, by raising €2,660. On February 8, 2017, they were able to inaugurate their refrigerator, installed in the Brixton district. Restaurants, market stalls, shops or ordinary citizens can now make donations to fill this fridge installed at Pop Brixon. When will there be a similar initiative in France?