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Fridge:21 foods not to (especially) put in!

The refrigerator seems an obvious place to store food so they stay fresher longer, but some ingredients just aren't made for such cold temperatures. Here are the foods that prefer the temperate temperatures of your kitchen to the chilly atmosphere of your fridge.

What if the refrigerator was not always the solution?

After going to the supermarket to do your shopping, put the food in the refrigerator sounds like the most sensible thing to do. Yogurt, meat or your leftover quiches need to be kept cool to not be damaged and to avoid food poisoning . For other products, this may not be the best place to store them. Your fridge is constantly so full of food that you can't even see what you actually have. You even happen to discover, prostrate for ages at the bottom of the vegetable drawer, a poor forgotten carrot or a vanilla yogurt that has been outdated for two months. Chances are there are chilly intruders out there who don't belong in a fridge and should be kicked out right away.

Foods to store away from the coolness of the fridge

The cucumbers and tomatoes that we love to eat very fresh are the number 1 invaders! They soften , the tomato loses its flavor and the cucumber of its crunchy; how sad.
Less obvious, placed in the fridge, the thin shell of eggs tends to absorb odors and make them taste bad. To avoid this, keeping them at room temperature in their box is enough, which is also how they are sold in supermarkets.
Finally, the sugar content of the jam is such that it can be kept without problem without having to be placed in the fridge. Exception to make for low-sugar jams which deserve to be cooled down so as not to mold .

Coffee, basil, avocado and chocolate, we let you discover the rest of the list of foods not to keep in the fridge!

Also read:

12 foods you should never put in the freezer, otherwise you will have very bad surprises!

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