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Freezer:12 foods you should never put in or risk very unpleasant surprises!

By reflex or simply to fight against food waste, we tend to freeze lots of food. Yet this preservation method , while convenient, isn't suitable for all foods, and for good reason. From certain temperatures, between -12° and -16°, the taste, shape and texture may be altered, as well as the nutritional qualities.

Foods to banish from the freezer

Many foods cannot stand cold temperatures . Among them are the fruits and water-rich vegetables , like tomato, cucumber, watermelon and melon. After defrosting , they will have lost all their firmness and flavour. Another mistake not to make:freezing eggs . Whether cooked, raw or in the form of mayonnaise, the cold risks cracking its shell or even making it gelatinous in a sauce. Similarly, dessert creams milk-based, are not made to be put in the freezer. The risk is to curdle the milk. Finally, the fresh cheeses and those with soft dough do not freeze well because they are also waterlogged.

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