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6 surprising foods you should never freeze

6 surprising foods you should never freeze

Have you become best friends with your freezer and do you make sure that you always have a large supply of food at home, just in case? Then you definitely want to read this. There are also a number of surprising foods that you should not freeze…

1. Hard-boiled eggs

The cooked protein from hard-boiled eggs doesn't mix well with a freezer. When you thaw the hard-boiled eggs, you're left with a hard, rubbery egg that no one wants. You can freeze raw eggs, but it is better to remove the eggs from the shell and freeze them individually in an ice cube tray. This way you can also save egg yolks for a later moment when you make a recipe where you only use the egg whites.

Read also :'7 big mistakes you make with your freezer'

2. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are a perfect example of a vegetable that contains so much water that they become unusable when frozen (unless you want to use them in a green smoothie, of course!). Thawed cucumbers become soggy and inedible, and don't resemble their crunchy selves at all. Do you have too many cucumbers at home to use at once? Then freeze the part you use for smoothies and store the rest in your very cold fridge.

3. Mayonnaise

When you freeze mayonnaise, it will continue to look normal as long as it is frozen. The moment you thaw it you will see that the texture of the sauce changes completely. Mayonnaise consists of a mixture of oil, egg yolks, vinegar or lemon and spices. When mayonnaise thaws, that emulsion will break, leaving only liquid, acidic parts and oil floating on top of the egg yolks. You could technically still eat it, but melted mayonnaise is not nearly as tasty as fresh mayonnaise. You could try to get the emulsion back by using a mixer, but you may need to add extra water to mix the ingredients back together, making the mayonnaise thinner. Long story short:it is better not to freeze mayonnaise.

4. Lettuce

Have you ever had that your fridge was too cold and the lettuce in the back of your fridge was slightly frozen? Then you probably also realized that it is better not to let those lettuce leaves thaw… It makes the lettuce wet and slimy – not particularly good for making salads. Lettuce is full of water and when water freezes, it expands. This can damage the cell walls of vegetables, which means that frozen vegetables are often not nearly as crisp as the fresh variety. And that also applies to your lettuce leaves…

5. Soft cheese

All cheeses will change in texture if you freeze them, but soft, creamy cheeses (like Brie and Camembert) will come out a lot worse than a hard cheese like Parmesan. Soft cheeses contain more water and fat, making them watery when they thaw. It is therefore best to only buy as much cheese as you can consume in two weeks, because you cannot store them much longer than that and freezing is not an option…

6. Raw potatoes

Have you ever tried freezing raw potatoes and then using them for dinner? You better not do that… When raw potatoes thaw they will discolor and sometimes even turn black, which is a clear sign that they are no longer edible. Do you have too many potatoes and would you like to be able to store them a little longer? Bake, blanch, mash or grill your potatoes and then freeze them, so you can enjoy them longer.

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