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30 Foods You Shouldn't Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

In this article I show you what foods it does not Above all, do not freeze.

Because you may not know it, but some foods don't mix well with your freezer.

Due to their composition, freezing can affect their consistency and especially their flavor.

Worse, some products can even become dangerous to health if they are put in the cold!

So to avoid wasting food and money, and getting sick, discover 30 foods you should never freeze. Watch:

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

  • 1. Cucumbers
  • 2. Watermelon
  • 3. Oranges
  • 4. Prepared pasta
  • 5. Fried foods
  • 6. Milk
  • 7. Eggs
  • 8. Lawyers
  • 9. Fresh or soft cheeses
  • 10. Beer
  • 11. Fresh herbs
  • 12. Sauces
  • 13. Celery
  • 14. Marshmallow
  • 15. Ketchup
  • 16. The salad
  • 17. Sodas
  • 18. Yogurts and dairy products
  • 19. Potatoes
  • 20. Preserves
  • 21. Thawed meat
  • 22. Spices
  • 23. Thawed fish
  • 24. Fruit juice concentrates
  • 25. Almond milk
  • 26. Wine
  • 27. Champagne
  • 28. Rice
  • 29. Fresh tomatoes
  • 30. Mayonnaise

1. Cucumbers

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Vegetables that contain a lot of water freeze very well, no problem there.

Where it gets caked is during the defrosting process which makes the texture super soft.

Cucumbers are part of this family.

Be aware that they become soft and soggy when thawed.

So unless you like to eat modeling clay, only prefer to keep them in the refrigerator.

However, you can thaw them and make them into a soup; there, no problem.

2. Watermelon

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Cucumber and watermelon, same fight.

This fruit filled with water could in absolute terms freeze well, but its taste after defrosting is totally awful.

The substance becomes completely grainy.

If you want to eat a good one, don't freeze it first.

And nothing to do, but don't forget that watermelon skin can be reused!

3. Oranges

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

And we continue with another kind of fruit full of water that should not be put in the freezer.

Thanks to its skin, oranges keep very well outdoors.

So don't go trying to freeze it to bring it out next year.

4. Prepared pasta

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

There is worse than overcooking pasta; is to freeze them!

Because once out of the freezer, the pasta turns into a perfectly inedible spongy puddle.

It looks like very soft noodles with a watery taste that is not appetizing at all.

An exception anyway.

Pre-cooked lasagna that keeps well when frozen and cooked just before serving.

5. Fried foods

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

As delicious as these foods are when fresh, fried or crumbed pieces should not be frozen.


Because once thawed, they lose all their crunch and turn into a soggy porridge.

We are very far from the taste we love so much!

6. Milk

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

So as far as freezing milk is concerned, there is a debate...

Some find it completely curdled after being frozen and therefore not very drinkable.

Be aware that the higher the fat, the more lumpy it becomes.

Me, on the contrary, I find that it can be drunk perfectly after freezing.

The trick is just to shake the bottle well to remove the crystals that have formed.

By doing this, I find that the milk regains all its taste.

On the other hand, one thing is certain, you can still cook with it.

Just let it sit in the fridge to thaw slowly for a whole day.

7. Eggs

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

I strongly advise against freezing the eggs with the shell.

Because once in the freezer, the shell can burst.

Don't want egg goo leaking all over your fridge anyway?

And even if the shell does not burst, cracks can be created.

And there we are no longer talking about small household problems.

Bacteria seep into the cracks and can make you very sick.

The only way to freeze them safely is to break them up in a freezer bag and put them in the freezer.

Hard-boiled eggs are therefore also affected.

Anyway, more generally, you should avoid freezing egg-based foods (mayonnaise, meringue, etc.).

Freezing turns these foods from creamy to grainy.

8. Lawyers

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

If you want to keep the fine, creamy taste of your avocado, I strongly advise against freezing it.

As with many other vegetables, it completely loses its original texture once defrosted.

On the other hand, you can use frozen avocado chunks in a smoothie.

9. Fresh or soft cheeses

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Soft cheeses such as ricotta, cream cheese and goat cheese are stuffed with water.

When defrosting, the texture of the cheese becomes completely watery.

That is to say that the cheese remains waterlogged. Not terrible in terms of taste...

However, it is quite possible to freeze hard cheeses.

For example, I'm talking about Gruyère or Parmesan.

10. Beer

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Do not put beer in the freezer; the can or bottle may explode!

If by chance it hasn't burst yet, defrost it, but in the refrigerator.

Be careful though; even doing this, the taste may change.

11. Fresh herbs

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Putting bunches of fresh herbs in the freezer is a bit like putting them straight in the trash!

When they thaw, the stalks turn brownish and taste mushy.

Clearly avoid.

The only way to freeze herbs is to put them in an ice cube tray with oil as explained here.

12. Sauces

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

It is quite common to have leftover sauces after a good meal.

We then say to ourselves that we will keep it in the freezer until the next opportunity.

Bad idea...

Defrosting changes the taste and smoothness of your sauces.

13. Celery

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Before freezing, most vegetables should be blanched.

That is, they must be put in boiling water for a few moments and then in cold water.

This technique allows them to keep their texture, taste and color intact.

Celery is no exception to this method.

Do not freeze it without having blanched it first.

Otherwise, this vegetable becomes inedible once thawed.

You can also use this trick to keep it well.

14. Marshmallow

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

So yes, it's not every day that we say to ourselves "hey, what if I freeze my marshmallow today?".

In any case, if it crosses your mind, I advise against it.

Once thawed, the marshmallow stays hard as a rock.

15. Ketchup

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

When frozen, this delicious sauce separates into a mixture of half water, half gritty bits.

It is therefore much better to keep ketchup in the refrigerator.

16. The salad

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Watery foods like salad do not retain their shape and texture when frozen and thawed.

In other words, the leaves become soft and waterlogged.

This is why you should never freeze this type of leafy green vegetables.

Come on, at best you can use frozen salad for a smoothie or soup.

But other than that, don't try the experiment, because the salad becomes soft and soggy.

Nothing to do with the fresh and crunchy version that you love so much!

To help you keep it for at least 1 month, consider this trick.

17. Sodas

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Whether in a can or a bottle, do not freeze soft drinks.

Full of gas, it's guaranteed to explode if you do that!

18. Yogurts and dairy products

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Yoghurts, fresh creams, custards and other dairy products should not be frozen.

Not that it's dangerous for your health, but because the texture loses its smoothness and becomes grainy.

The water separates from the other substances and causes the product to curdle.

Not great tasting...

19. Potatoes

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Potatoes can be stored at room temperature.

Full stop!

Even storage in the refrigerator is not recommended.

So in the freezer, I'm not telling you.

They become soft and take on a rather grainy texture after defrosting.

Cooked potatoes, on the other hand, can be frozen and reheated.

Finally, to prevent them from sprouting and keep them for a long time, apply this trick.

20. Preserves

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Freezing canned food is clearly to be excluded.

When the liquid inside freezes, the box expands and may explode.

And then do we really need to freeze this type of product which can be kept for a very long time?

It's not called canning for nothing!

21. Thawed meat

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Freezing meat is quite possible.

Where you have to be careful is once thawed.

Never, but never return meat to the freezer or refrigerator once thawed.

Indeed, defrosting allows time for bacteria to settle.

So always cook the meat right after.

22. Spices

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

The flavor and taste of spices change when frozen.

A cool, dry cupboard is therefore the best place to store garlic, cloves, pepper and other spices.

Or else, use this awesome trick.

23. Thawed fish

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

As with meat, I forbid you to thaw fish and refreeze it afterwards!

Your health is at stake since many bacteria are born during the defrosting process.

24. Fruit juice concentrates

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Fruit juice concentrates, filled with sugar, are at risk of fermenting if put in the freezer.

This means that the drink decomposes until it rots.

So if you don't want to have bad surprises, avoid keeping them in the freezing cold.

25. Almond milk

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Freezing almond milk does not alter the nutritional side of this drink.

On the other hand, the texture is completely modified.

The water and the rest of the substance separate which gives a very weird taste.

26. Wine

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Well that makes great sense for wine lovers, but in case you're wondering, a little reminder.

Good wine can't be frozen! Never even.

If it goes through the freezer compartment, its taste will become very strange.

It is even a sacrilege for good bottles.

At worst, but really at worst, a frozen wine could be used in a cooking recipe.

And again...

27. Champagne

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

As with wine, freezing champagne is taste sacrilege.

Either way, the gas in the bottle reminds you right away.

Leave the bottle in the freezer and it will explode!

To preserve your drink, I use this trick.

28. Rice

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

As with pasta, rice should never be stored in the freezer.

It's not that it's dangerous to eat it, but it loses its taste and texture.

29. Fresh tomatoes

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

There are no downsides to freezing cooked tomatoes.

On the other hand, you should avoid freezing fresh tomatoes, because once thawed, the texture never stays as firm.

30. Mayonnaise

30 Foods You Shouldn t Freeze (At Risk of Getting Sick).

Like ketchup, mayonnaise becomes lumpy when frozen.

It is therefore not a good idea to store this condiment in the polar cold.

And this principle is also valid for mayo-based dishes such as tuna salad, egg salad...