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18 surprising foods you can prepare on the grill

18 surprising foods you can prepare on the grill

Do you have a barbecue soon and do you want to do it a little differently? These are 18 surprising foods that are delicious on the grill – believe us, they will definitely steal the show!

Read also :'Tips for a vegetarian barbecue'

1. Pumpkin

You can often find skewers of onion and bell pepper on the grill, but you can also make delicious skewers of pumpkin and zucchini that have a wonderful summer taste. Slice the pumpkin and then cut it in half. Brush them lightly with oil and sprinkle with some salt and pepper. Then grill them for about five minutes per side and they are ready to eat. Tip:top them with grated Parmesan cheese and thyme for a delicious taste sensation.

2. Sweet potato wedges

You may have grilled whole potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil, but you can cook them even faster by cutting sweet potatoes into wedges. Toss in oil to prevent wedges from sticking to grill rack, then grill until cooked through (about 10 to 15 minutes). It's okay if they get a little black grill marks; the grill flavor perfectly matches the natural sweet taste of the potato. Serve them with ketchup or with melted butter for a tasty combination.

3. Stuffed peppers

Do you like a little spice? Then put whole peppers on the grill for a sensational taste. The thin skin picks up the smoke within minutes. Take it one step further and stuff the peppers with a mixture of cream cheese, shredded cheese, green onions and maybe even bacon. Grill the peppers until the cheese mixture has melted and the peppers are soft. This way you have the perfect snack for your guests that they can enjoy until the main course is ready!

4. Carrots

Roasting really brings out the natural sweetness of the carrots. The combination of the caramelization of the carrots and the smoke flavor also gives our orange friends that little bit extra. For best results, peel the carrots first and then grill for 8 to 10 minutes. Then rub them with a nut oil, for example walnut oil, or a little melted butter and sprinkle them with a little chopped herbs. Thyme and oregano in particular go well with grilled carrots, give it a try!

5. Lettuce

You might not expect it, but you can also prepare lettuce leaves on the grill. Try grilling a leaf of Romain lettuce:the lightly charred ends are delicious in combination with a fresh dressing such as Caesar or honey mustard. For the best grilled lettuce leaves, cut Romain or butter lettuce leaves in half, brush with some oil and grill them for two to three minutes per side. Then season them with salt and pepper and top with your favorite dressing. Tasty!

6. Cauliflower

Grilling is of course perfect for preparing steaks, even if they are made from vegetables. Vegetables like cauliflower have a density and thickness that makes them perfect for the grill, as do lettuce and Brussels sprouts. Still, cauliflower is the real winner, because it absorbs the smoke and becomes soft without falling apart. Cut through the cauliflower with a large knife to make 2.5 e steaks centimeter thick. Brush both sides of the cauliflower with oil and marinate. Then grill them for eight to ten minutes on each side until they are cooked through. You can cook cauliflower steaks the same way as beef steaks. The cauliflower will not necessarily absorb the marinade, but it will stick to the outside. How delicious?!

7. Praise

We get that you might not have these on your list for barbecue vegetables. Red chicory tends to be bitter when eaten raw, but on the grill it softens and softens a bit – delicious! To grill them, cut the red chicory lengthwise. Then brush with oil and grill for two to three minutes per side until cooked through. For the best taste, it is best to combine the red chicory with ingredients that have a creamy or strong taste, such as gorgonzola cheese, balsamic vinegar or pine nuts.

8. Avocado

These creamy fruits (because yes, it is) may seem too soft for the heat of the grill, but they probably won't fall apart. In fact, grilled avocado halves are perfect for presenting egg salad, chicken salad or bruschetta during a summer barbecue. Cut the avocados in half and remove the pit. Brush each half lightly with oil and grill for two to three minutes per side. If you want to use avocado in another dish – for example in guacamole – let it cool slightly before spooning out the grilled part. This way you keep the subtle smoky taste!

9. Cheese

Not all cheese melts until it becomes liquid. For example, halloumi is a semi-hard cheese that softens when cooked on a grill, but doesn't melt like other cheeses. You can serve grilled halloumi with fresh tomato and basil as a topping or a little pesto and make it a delicious appetizer. You can also serve it as a side dish during your barbecue. It doesn't take long for halloumi to set:take a thinner slice (about an inch thick), lightly oil both sides and grill the cheese for two to three minutes per side. Tip:you can also use this method for brie, as long as you make sure it is completely surrounded by crust to prevent the brie from melting in the barbecue.

10. Peaches

Ah, who doesn't love summer peaches? Their natural sweetness boosts any recipe, from salads to cocktails. But have you grilled them before? The natural sugars caramelize on the grill and the tender flesh acquires a delicious smoky flavour. Cut the peaches into halves or wedges and remove the pit. Brush gently with oil or butter and grill each side for one to two minutes until lattice marks appear on the peaches. How delicious are these as the basis for a summer dessert? Exactly!

11. Watermelon

You can surprise yourself and your guests by preparing watermelon on the grill. You can use them in salads, eat them separately or use them as a base for a summer dessert. Cut the red fruit into wedges and grill for two to three minutes per side. Remove them from the grill and then immediately season them with some herbs. Are you going to use them in a salad? Then season them with some salt for a surprising taste. Do you use them for dessert? Then sprinkle some lemon zest over the wedges to bring out the natural sweetness of the watermelon.

12. Pineapple

If you're going to grill, you can't forget the pineapple. You only need to grill the rings for a minute per side to make a delicious treat. Do you want to go a step further? Serve the rings with a scoop of coconut ice cream and some macadamia nuts. Not only is this one of the tastiest, but arguably one of the easiest desserts you've ever made!

13. Bread

You can of course also grill bread for your starter, for example for bruschettas. Also, grilled bread is delicious for making a sandwich and will only take you a minute or two. Trust us, the taste is worth it!

14. Polenta

When you think of polenta, you might think of a soft corn substance that you can put on top of your shrimp, but polenta can also cook you up thick and cut into slices that you can grill. This way you can make a delicious side dish for your other grilled foods. Did you know that you can also buy polenta in blocks? By grilling the polenta you create a flavor boost that you don't get when you fry the slices in the pan. Brush lightly with oil and grill for two to three minutes per side until the outside is golden and crispy.

15. Tofu

Tofu is like a sponge:it absorbs the marinade and even a hint of smoke from the grill. In addition, the edges of the tofu can become crispy due to the flames. Brush the pieces with oil first to prevent them from sticking to the grill and use all firm tofu; the other varieties may be too soft for the heat. Fry the tofu on both sides for about five minutes until the tofu is completely cooked through.

16. Mussels and shellfish

Are you looking for a special starter or main course? Then go for grilled mussels and shellfish. All you have to do is wash them and place them on the hot coals. When they are done after five to ten minutes, they will open on their own. Remove from the heat when they come off their shells and season with parsley, pepper and some melted butter.

17. Quesadillas

To make good quesadillas you will first have to pre-bake the ingredients, but once you've done that you can serve quesedillas prepared on the grill in no time. They probably won't stick to the grill grate, but you can lightly grease them with oil just to be safe. This can also ensure that the tortilla wraps become extra crispy. Grill for three to four minutes on each side, until the cheese in the quesedilla has completely melted, then cut into wedges. For example, serve them with homemade guacamole (with grilled avocado)!

18. Pizza

You don't need an outdoor pizza oven to make delicious pizzas. Your grill has all the parts you need:a dry environment with high heat and room for air circulation. For best results, you can grease the grid with some oil and grill the pizza base without the toppings. Flip the crust after three minutes, then top the pizza with your sauce, toppings, and cheese. Be careful not to do too much; heavier ingredients can break the crust and leave a mess. A thin layer is all you need for the best pizza!