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This is how you prepare the barbecue for the season

Spring has arrived and it's time to take out the barbecue. But before you light it, it's important to clean it well – both outside and inside. Spray kitchen spray on a cold grill and let the soap soak for a few minutes before using a sponge or damp cloth to remove the stains. Rinse well with water and wipe with a cloth or paper. If you have extra stubborn stains, you can clean the oven.

Invest in a barbecue brush To get the grills clean, it pays to invest in a good grill brush. It is easier to brush leftovers from the grid when it is hot. Do it right after you're done grilling. If you forget to clean the grill after grilling, you can solve this by heating the grill well before you put food on the grill. Some grill grates fit in the dishwasher, and can be washed there. You can also use a regular kitchen scrub on cold grills if you prefer. If you have a gas grill, it pays to lift the grates and scrape well over the burners or guards above the burners. Feel free to use the garden hose to rinse away all soap scum and dirt on the outside of the grill. Always burn the grill before use after a good wash.

Bilpolish gives a shiny grill
Bilpolish is very suitable for giving grills with an enamelled surface a shiny and fine surface that is easy to keep clean. If the grill has stainless steel details, use a chrome cleaner/Duraglitt (car care product), possibly steel wool, to remove rust and grime and get the shiny surface back. There are also separate sprays from the grill suppliers for these purposes.

Cover the grill with a cover when the grill is not in use. Then the grill is easier to keep tidy and you extend the life of your grill.