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The 10 Uses of Banana Peel You Didn't Know About.

The 10 Uses of Banana Peel You Didn t Know About.

You think banana peels are just for dragging people on the street?

Think again ! You can use them to do many other things.

So before throwing them away, consider recycling them.

Here are 10 possible uses for banana peels. Watch:

The 10 Uses of Banana Peel You Didn t Know About.

1. Fertilize tomato plants

Wrap a banana peel around the base of your tomato plants so they can absorb nutrients throughout the season.

2. Feeding indoor plants

Soak a banana peel in a large container of water. Mix 1 volume of this banana water with 5 volumes of clear water. Water your indoor plants with this mixture to fertilize them.

3. Use them in compost

Banana peels decompose quickly and add many beneficial nutrients to the soil for gardens and vegetable patches.

4. Treat skin rashes and itching

Rub a banana peel on an insect bite, a reaction to stinging plants or on a plaque of psoriasis. Banana peel reduces itching and promotes healing.

5. Feed the animals

Add a little soil to dried banana peels for feeding chickens, pigs, rabbits and cattle.

Also to be discovered:Adopting a Hen is Doubly Economical!

6. Make vinegar

Use the sourness of banana peel vinegar to season salads, to give flavor to water and tea or to accompany your recipes that need to be spiced up.

To make your own banana vinegar, simply macerate banana peels in white vinegar. After a few days, we filter the vinegar, and voila!

7. Tenderize the meat

Add a ripe banana peel to a casserole to prevent boneless or skinless cuts of meat from toughening or drying out during cooking.

8. Eat the skin

Get even more nutrients, fiber and antioxidants from the fruit by boiling the skin for 10 min. Pass it through a citrus press or mix it with other fruits. Remember to rinse the skin well to remove pesticides.

9. Attract butterflies and birds

Put the peels of ripe bananas on a raised platform in the garden and watch them pounce on this sweet treat.
Be careful, bees and wasps can also be attracted.

10. Wax leather and silver

With the inner side of a banana peel, rub leather shoes, jackets or furniture. Then wax with a soft cloth. Mix a banana peel with water and use the mixture to shine some silver.
Click here to see the trick.

Also don't throw away overripe bananas.

Overripe bananas are a perfect ingredient to incorporate into breads, muffins and other preparations. Freeze bananas in a zip lock freezer bag until ready to use.

The little extra tip for good storage of bananas:

Remove them from the bag so they ripen evenly. Bananas should be left at room temperature to ripen. Separate each banana from the bunch and wrap the stems in cellophane to slow down the ripening process. Click here to see the trick.

Otherwise, you can also let them ripen in the fridge. The skin will darken but the flesh will remain good for several days.