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You didn't know these fun facts about the watermelon

You didn t know these fun facts about the watermelon

Today is Watermelon Day! And what better way to celebrate than a list of fun facts about watermelon? Because who doesn't love this sweet fruit?

The watermelon is not only thirst-quenching, but also a source of iron and vitamin C. It also tastes very good. Did you already know these facts about the watermelon?

To pit or not to pit

Nuts, seeds and kernels are known for their healthy properties, but did you know that the seeds in your watermelon are also very good for you? Never pick at your fresh melon again and just enjoy it, because a quarter of a watermelon contains enough seeds for about 1 gram of protein. That's a nice bonus! In addition, with spice is sweeter than its seedless brother. How good is that?

The big brother of the cucumber and pumpkin

Yes, it's really true:the watermelon is related to the cucumber and pumpkin. Although you probably wouldn't put these three side by side, they all fall under the Cucurbitaceae family. That means this fruit is actually a vegetable! That is why, despite its sweet taste, it also tastes so good in savory dishes. Let's be honest, who doesn't love a fresh watermelon-feta salad?

Read also: Easy peasy:watermelon salad with feta

The name says it all:the watermelon is packed with water

We all know how the sweet juice trickles down your fingers when you cut open the fruit. So it's no surprise that it consists of 95% water! For anyone who finds it difficult to drink enough water, snacking on watermelon can be a good addition to their diet. That way you get some extra moisture in. This allows the body to better remove waste products and prevent headaches, for example.

Healthy People Calming Watermelon is available for anyone who could use a little extra. The addition of Vitamins B5, B6 and B8 gives you a zen in a pack. Vitamin B5 supports tension, while Vitamin B6 and B8 are good for the mood and mental balance. So thirst-quenching and relaxing. Bottoms up!

Image:Unsplash / Source:Triangle PR