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4 things you didn't know about garlic

4 things you didn t know about garlic

Garlic gives a dish more flavor. But I'm sure there are some things you've never heard of!

1. Old garlic is even healthier

Do not throw out garlic that is starting to sprout. Sprouting garlic is healthier than fresh young ones, and contains a higher concentration of antioxidants.

Read also: 'Recipe:low-carb garlic sauce'

2. Don't bake it for too long

With heating it loses healthy nutrients. Don't bake it from the start, but only add it just before your meal is ready.

3. The smell is caused by sulfur compounds

The strong smell is caused by sulfur compounds in the garlic bulb. The main one is allyl methyl sulfide. This sulfur compound cannot be broken down by your body, giving you the infamous garlic breath.

4. Toxic to some animals

Keep it away from dogs and cats, it is poisonous to them. Some substances in garlic are converted to sulfoxide and disulfide, oxidants that damage red blood cells. In humans, the blood cells have a protective mechanism, but in many animals that mechanism is too low to protect the blood cells against damage.