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5 things you didn't know about spices and condiments

Do you have digestive problems? Are you on a salt-free diet? Or are you just a big foodie? In any case, "Spices, Aromates, Condiments and Aromatic Herbs", the new book from the "My Health Foods" collection (Eyrolles), will tell you everything you want to know about health benefits, caloric values and nutritional properties of these allies in our kitchens...and also give you recipe ideas.

For a taste, here are 5 tips we learned from reading this guide written by a natural health enthusiast (ex-Alternative Medicine ) and by an endocrinologist-nutritionist (Dr. Laurence Lévy-Dutel). It makes you hungry!

1/ Garlic. To avoid bad breath after eating this antioxidant tonic, believe in a coffee bean, a piece of apple or chew a little parsley (or cardamom seeds, which are refreshing). Your baby will not be fooled since garlic will change the taste of your milk! 😉

2/ Black pepper. Stronger than white, pink, grey, green and long pepper, it should be avoided for sensitive stomachs...but goes very well with strawberries!

3/ The olive. It is laxative and diuretic… So beware of excess if you plan to spend an afternoon at the beach!

4/ Tarragon. If it is great in cider vinegar (it gives tarragon vinegar), it is very useful for removing odors from the refrigerator, it is not recommended for pregnant women because it is abortifacient (it can cause abortion).

5/ The soporific poppy. Delicious in cakes, it can also be used…as a thickener in sauces.

> Patricia Bargis and Dr. Laurence Lévy-Dutel, "Spices, Seasonings, Condiments and Aromatic Herbs", Eyrolles, 2015

> Price:€6.90