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Food trend:pizzushi mixes our favorite foods

In the pizza family, after the pizza swimsuit, after the starter-main course-dessert pizza in 1, after the pizza ice cream, we ask for… the sushi pizza! Sorry… the pizzushi! Straight from the United States, country king of WTF culinary inventions, this sushi pizza is all the rage right up to the beaches of Saint-Barth. It was created and above all imagined by a 24-year-old chef, Vy Duong.

Fried rice cake sushi supplement

But then, the fusion between a pizza and a sushi, what is it exactly? It is hard to imagine a margherita sprinkled with salmon sushi… The dough, finally rather the base is a fried rice cake to give the crunchy aspect of a real pizza dough. Because there is never enough fat, we cover it with a good spicy mayonnaise. Then this is precisely where the “sushi” comes in:cubes of salmon and tuna marinated in soy/citrus sauce with sesame seeds and red onions (judging from the photo) are sprinkled here and there. the. We don't know about you, but sushi and marinated salmon on a pizza, that makes us think more of a ceviche pizza (should we say cevizza?) for once...

Certainly, fusion cuisine is on the rise. Afterwards, on the taste side, we remain… skeptical. And you, what would your pizza invention be?