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3 things you need to know about food if you want to lose weight

The food you eat largely determines how good you feel. Do you want to lose weight? Even then, what you eat matters. You should know these 3 things about healthy eating.

You cannot eat healthy products indefinitely
Nuts, pute chocolate and avocado are healthy and fit well into a healthy lifestyle. However, you cannot eat these products indefinitely. For example, a whole avocado contains about 200 calories. They are healthy because they are nutritious, filling and contain a lot of good fats, but you should also keep an eye on your portions with healthy products.

Also read 3 things you need to know about exercise if you want to lose weight

An hour of exercise is not a license to eat whatever you want
Exercising burns calories, but it also makes you hungry. Choose your snack after exercise wisely and do not see your workout as a license to eat unhealthy food. Will you? Then there is a good chance that you will eat your just burned calories again.

Soda is bad for you
Many drinks are not as good for you as you think. Especially not when you think about your line. Try to replace as much soda and sweet juices from the pack as possible with water and green tea. Make it a habit to drink a large glass of water before eating. This makes you feel full faster, so you don't overeat yourself during the meal.
