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5 things you can do with leftover soup

5 things you can do with leftover soup

We make the tastiest soups from our leftovers. Did you make a lot of soup? You can do this with the leftovers.

1. Freeze in portions
When you have made the soup fresh, you can freeze the leftover soup in portions. Handy for defrosting on days when you want a quick and healthy meal.

2. Cook your rice, pasta or couscous in soup
You can cook pasta or grains in soup. Quinoa, for example, absorbs water during cooking, cooking in soup gives the quinoa extra flavour.

3. Make mashed potatoes with soup
Mix a little soup through the mashed potatoes for a spicy taste.

4. Make a hearty meal with oatmeal Tired of the morning oatmeal options? By cooking your oatmeal with soup, you create a base for a hearty meal.

5. Use it in an oven dish
Use a binding agent such as eggs or potato and you can use your soup to make a vegetable casserole.