Family Best Time >> Food

Eating leftovers? Please. If we get the chance with our teenagers!

There are people who hate it, but we don't. We almost never throw anything away, because we love leftovers. Take a meatball, for example. It tastes even better the next day on a sandwich, not to mention some leftover baked kale with sausage. And how about soup… or a few slices of pizza? Mhhh….

Eat leftovers a 'fight'

Unfortunately I am not the only one in this house who thinks so 😉 . While I'm messing around upstairs, I suddenly smell something strange. Hot food?

At this time of day? Suddenly my alarm bells start ringing and I fly down the stairs. Yes… there they are again! At noon! The table is neatly set and they already have the cutlery in their hands. I must confess that my mouth is also watering, but THESE leftovers of food are reserved. In my mind I can still hear my husband say, “Well, there's plenty left. Nice snack for me, because I have to leave the house on time tomorrow evening”.

Food leftovers and teenagers

“STOP” I shout sternly and they look at me with wide eyes. “What are you going to eat there?” “Yesterday's sushi and fried rice” my daughter drools, while she looks eagerly at the untouched plate. “That's daddy's dinner” I say angrily “and you knew that!” They look at each other in dismay and for a moment I think it is pathetic. They were obviously very excited about it. But… a deal is a deal and this is not the first time that they have already eaten something in the afternoon that is intended for the evening.

I am often amazed at how much teenagers can eat. When I've done the shopping, sometimes they're just waiting for me under the guise of "let's help you unpack", while I think they are just making an inventory of what is immediately edible.

"I'm sorry," my daughter mumbles. "Then we'll take something else." While I put everything neatly back in the trays, they fry an egg. Also tasty right? Just to be sure, I put a Post-it sticker on the boxes:“Don't touch it… for daddy!” Pfff…. just in time.