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Grandma's cookbook and hash with stewed pears instead of superfoods

Goji berries, quinoa and wheatgrass. Are they regularly on your menu? That could very well be, because they are all superfoods. And if we are all busy with something, it is healthy eating. But do you really need all those 'newfangled' ingredients for that? They were never on my grandmother's menu. Yet I have the idea that our grandfathers and grandmothers did not eat unhealthy. And that Dutch food was very tasty too! That's why this time an ode to grandma's cookbook. When was the last time you made stewed pears? Real winter food.

Table of Contents

Grandma's cookbook

Also often lack of inspiration when it comes to cooking? Then you are not alone. I myself also regularly wonder what should be on the table all day long. Fortunately, I always have my cookbook with me. What does that look like? Well, just:a screen, keyboard, and an internet connection. That's my recipe book . And there is surprisingly a lot in it. From modern superfoods to old-fashioned Dutch fare. Quite a difference when I look at my mother. The superfoods are hard to find there, in contrast to the grease stains. Or is there something secretly healthy to discover? If you read between the stains in Grandma's cookbook?

Dutch food:power foods

Traditionally, the Dutch pot is actually quite heavy. That dates back to the time when we had to do heavy physical labour. So a lot of meat and potatoes, which provide the necessary energy. Today we are less interested in carbohydrates and calories. However, it is not wrong at all to occasionally, especially in winter, go for nutritious Dutch food. Not so good for the line, but for the energy level. And the bowel movements by the way.

By adding vegetables, we have made the classic Dutch fare a bit healthier. Nowadays there is also more variety. Pasta or rice, for example, are often on the menu in the Netherlands. Funny, when you consider that that only happened when our grandparents were young. When my grandmother first put noodles on the table in the 1970s, it was quite a shock to grandfather. “'It's like it's still alive! In 2017, international dishes have become an integral part of the Dutch kitchen table. But isn't it wonderful to enjoy a recipe from grandma's cookbook every now and then?

Superfoods that made our grandparents grow up

Dutch ingredients. A heavy casserole. And a few hours of simmering time. Those are more or less the characteristics of the Dutch food from grandma's ledger. You can also make a stew in the wok. And how about the slow cooker? But this time we are going on the old Dutch tour. So wash the dust off your casserole, or borrow one from your mother. And make sure you have enough time. Fortunately, while that meat is simmering, you can of course just do something else. Our grandmothers were already good at multitasking!

From grandma's cookbook:Hash with stewed pears

A classic when we talk about Dutch food is of course hash. Better known as a good stew. Consisting of a lot of meat and served with potatoes, so it is a meal that provides enough energy. Not for nothing real winter food. Would you also like to taste that 'taste of the past'? Then you can read the recipe for hash with stewed pears from my grandmother's cookbook below. With some modern tips to make it easy for you.

Recipe for hash

This hash recipe is for 4 people. Serve it with boiled potatoes. You can also eat it with rice, if that's more your thing. Even if your grandmother never served it like that 😉 . Leftovers? That is also delicious on a sandwich!

Ingredients hash with stewed pears

  • pound ribs
  • 6 onions
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 stock cube
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 scoop of sugar
  • 50 grams of baking butter

Preparation hash with stewed pears

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Boil the stock cube in half a liter of water. Cut the onions. Place the block of butter in the frying pan and sear the roasts. Then add the onions and stock. Also add the vinegar, sugar, cloves and bay leaves to the pan.

Tip:Put the cloves and bay leaves in a tea infuser. Then you don't have to dig through your hash later looking for that last clove.

When your Dutch fare is ready, it can go into the oven. Don't be alarmed:it can stay there for 3 hours! Check occasionally that the hash is not getting too dry. Otherwise you can add a splash of water. Or red wine. It is best to cut the meat when it comes out of the oven. Unless you have hash meat, which has already been sliced. However, raw ribs require a saw. So it's better to wait until it's cooked before cutting. Then you can pull it apart with a fork and you get that delicious pulled pork.

Tip:To make it easier on yourself, you can also use a bag of hash mix. Then you don't have to add broth. And half bay leaves and cloves are also enough.

Recipe for stewed pears

Anyone who has paid attention may have already noticed:where are the vegetables in the hash recipe? You can add all kinds of vegetables if you like. Like carrot or pepper. But you can also provide vegetables on the side † Just as old-fashioned as hash (but just as tasty):stewed pears. And again real Dutch food from grandma's cookbook.

Ingredients hash with stewed pears

  • 1 kilo of pears (suitable for stewing)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Sugar

Preparation method

Peel, core and quarter the pears. Then put them on a low flame. Add the cinnamon stick. Turn the heat up a bit and let the pears warm gently until they boil. Then turn the heat back as low as possible. Or your induction plate, that is of course also possible. After an hour or two (!) you can add sugar to taste. A few spoons should be enough.

Enjoy your meal!

Do you have a recipe from your grandmother's kitchen? Without secret ingredients? Then share it with us. We are lovers! You can always email me