With confinement, many French people succumb to preparing their bread at home. A good idea, even more so when you have children; all this can only make their eyes widen a little more. Only small problem, too many recipes are offered and you end up getting lost in them (a bit Netflix syndrome, too many choices, kills the choice) and often the hope of seeing a beautiful bread come out of the oven, is showered by the reality of the manufacturing process, which is more complex than it seems, which ultimately gives not a tender and crispy bread at the same time, but something indigestible and charred.
So to avoid this inconvenience, here is what appears to be THE least treacherous recipe. Why ? Because this recipe delivered by dietician Laura Giami gives pride of place to baking the bread in the oven but in a casserole, this guarantees firmness of the crust and tenderness of the crumb , a real bread of yesteryear in short. You don't believe us? Try it, you'll see!
Oh yes last thing and not least, you won't have to knead the dough, so yes some will cry sacrilege because it takes away the magic from the manufacturing process but not us. That's it!
This recipe is offered by dietician Laura Giami
Her website:http://lgiami-dieteticienne.fr/
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