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How to make homemade bread?

Make yeast bread (without a machine)

Here is the recipe for yeast bread, just like in the bakery, without a mixer or a bread machine. It's good, it's a fun activity and it saves money at the supermarket or bakery! To get started, you need a large bowl (or a salad bowl). Pour two large glasses of hot water into the bowl. Spread liquid honey on the bottom of the bowl and a teaspoon and a half of yeast. Cover and set aside for five minutes. After this time, the yeast should already have swollen by absorbing the hot water. Sprinkle with two tablespoons of whole wheat flour. Beat the mixture with a kitchen whisk until there are no longer any lumps. Add salt, add a tablespoon of oil to the flour and beat again with a whisk, until you obtain a semi-liquid consistency, which is still fluid and not thick. If you want to make fancy breads, you can add at this stage of the recipe nuts, olives, raisins or any other ingredient you like to add. A final spoonful of flour should make the dough thicker and creamier. Replace your kitchen whisk with a wooden spoon to keep stirring the batter. Sprinkle the work surface with a pinch of flour. Invert the bowl and spread the dough out on the work surface. Mix the dough. It should not stick to your hands, if so, add flour. Oil a clean, dry bowl, put your bread dough in it, cover with a kitchen cloth and let sit for an hour. Once the dough is well risen, make sure it is no longer sticky at all and cut it with a kitchen knife to form round buns or another shape that you will enjoy giving them. If you cook with your kids, now is the time to get them involved! Break an egg into a small bowl, add a little water, beat with a spoon and impregnate the bread dough with a brush. Put in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes at thermostat 9. As soon as the bread is golden brown and crispy, it's ready!

Make your own country bread

Country bread is more fragrant and keeps longer than yeast bread. The operation is similar, with a preliminary step to obtain good yeast mixed with sourdough. Here are some secrets for making country bread yourself. In a bowl, pour a sachet of dehydrated yeast and two glasses of water. Add 200 grams of white flour, stirring with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous paste is formed. After the sourdough-yeast dough has absorbed all the poured water, add 100 grams of rye flour and salt. While pouring the flour, add water. Once this operation is complete, add as much white flour as necessary so that the dough no longer sticks to the edges. Knead the dough by hand on a dry work surface then set aside for half an hour. Soak it in oil and flour, roll it into a ball and set aside for another half hour in a large covered bowl. Turn the dough over on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes at thermostat 8. Savor it hot, when the crumb is still tender and light, it's even better.