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6 natural appetite suppressants to snack on this summer

1 – Croqued vegetables.

Rich in water and fiber but low in calories (15 kcal/100 g on average), cherry tomatoes, radishes, carrot or cucumber sticks, cauliflower bouquets… pleasantly deceive hunger by occupying the mouth and filling the stomach . To have in the fridge.

2 – Mint.

Its taste and fragrance chase away the craving for sugar. In case of cravings, sip a glass of water with a few drops of peppermint essential oil (or, failing that, commercial unsweetened mint water) or chew strong mint gum.

3 – The hard-boiled egg.

Its compact texture stalls immediately, while its richness in good quality proteins and various micronutrients promotes the process of satiety. Ideal 15 minutes before an outing, to avoid the rush on aperitif biscuits (being careful not to eat more than 6 eggs per week, in all its forms).

4 – Agar-agar.

Marketed in the form of a white powder, this 100% vegetable gelling agent, extracted from a small red algae, is ultra-rich in soluble fiber (mucilage) which fills the stomach by swelling with water. And thus provide a feeling of satiety. Dissolve 1 g in a bowl of herbal tea or tea.

5 – The apple.

A great classic that has proven itself! Among other things, it owes its appetite suppressant effect to its richness in pectin, a fiber that fills the stomach by swelling with liquid and regulates glycemia (blood sugar level). To have in your bag.

6 – 0% cottage cheese sprinkled with cinnamon.

Compact and rich in protein, cottage cheese provides long-lasting satiation, while the scent of cinnamon satisfies sugar cravings… without sugar. An association to favor in case of sweet impulse.

Thanks to Valérie Orsoni, coach ( and author of “The Orsoni Method” (Selection from Reader’s Digest).