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How to make a sweet charlotte?

The ingredients of the charlotte

To make a charlotte for 8 people, you need a specific mould. Alternatively, you can use a salad bowl. Preparing the recipe is simple, but you need the right ingredients, namely 2 or 3 packets of ladyfingers (depending on the size of the mould), 50 cl of liquid full cream, 2 sachets of fix whipped cream ( or a few sheets of gelatin), 30 g of icing sugar, 15 cl of liquid (light syrup, fruit juice, alcohol) as well as fruit (fresh or frozen) or chocolate. If you want to prepare a chocolate charlotte, replace the cream and whipped cream with 3 egg whites.

The basic recipe

The charlotte is characterized by soaked biscuits, an aerial mixture (mousse or whipped cream) and a garnish of your choice. For a fruit charlotte, you must first whip the whipped cream, then add the whipped cream fix and the icing sugar. Flavor the cream with the flavor of your choice, for example by adding a fruit coulis. The chocolate charlotte is made with a mousse. In this case, simply beat 3 egg whites until stiff and add the melted chocolate.

Assembly of the charlotte

Lightly soak the cookies in the liquid of your choice, then arrange them around the edges of the mold and in the bottom, avoiding empty spaces. Using a piping bag, drop a little mousse or whipped cream. Continue with a layer of fresh fruit cut into pieces (except for the chocolate dessert), then with a layer of biscuits. Repeat the process and finish with a layer of biscuits. Leave to rest for several hours in the fridge, then gently unmold. Decorate with fruit or chocolate shavings.