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How to make pancakes?

The pancake batter recipe

Preparing pancake batter couldn't be easier. The basic recipe for the dough and the following for around thirty pancakes:pour 450 g of flour into a bowl, and make a well in the centre. Break 6 whole eggs in the center, and add 1 large pinch of salt. Using a whisk, mix the eggs, gradually incorporating the flour from the edges. Gradually add about 75 cl of milk, and possibly 100 g of melted butter. If you plan to make only sweet pancakes, also add 4 to 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, or even a little vanilla or orange blossom water to flavor your pancake batter. To lighten it up a bit, you can also replace some of the milk with beer.

Cooking pancakes, instructions for use

After making the pancake batter, we move on to the second step:cooking. For this, you simply need to equip yourself with a good crepe maker. Lightly grease it with a little oil or butter, and heat it up. Once it is hot, pour a ladle of crepe batter into the crepe maker, and turn it in all directions to spread the batter in a thin layer over the entire surface of the crepe maker. The secret of light and delicious pancakes:do not put too much batter so that they are as thin as possible. Then cook the crepe over the heat for 40 to 60 seconds, until the edges start to come off. Flip the crepe either by flipping it over or using a spatula. Continue cooking for a few seconds, and set aside on a plate. Keep your pancakes warm, covered with aluminum foil, in the oven heated on thermostat 2/3. Are your pancakes ready? Now is the time to enjoy them with the garnish of your choice:ham, cheese, jam, melted chocolate, sugar... Everyone has their own recipe, from the most classic to the most original!