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But why are the dishes always disgusting when they come out of the dishwasher?

Which are better:tablets or traditional products?

In his test, 60 million consumers compared classic tablets and rinsing salt to three-in-one tablets. Result:it seems that it is the classic tablet version plus rinsing liquid that is the most effective. The magazine tested its products on several types of stains:tea stains, burnt milk, mashed potato stains, and traces of egg yolk. Finally, the solution that comes to mind is the classic Sun tablet with triple action rinse aid, again from the Sun brand. It is once again Sun but also, pleasantly surprised, the Green Tree which ranks best in terms of lens shine.

Dead last in this ranking, the all-in-one tablet from Casino which apparently failed to remove tea stains, burnt milk stains and did no miracles on new yolk stains.

And on the price side, how is it going?

On the price side, whether you use three-in-one tablets or tablet and liquid, the price is essentially the same.

And is all that green?

It would seem that the manufacturers have made efforts and that the products are much more ecological than in the past, so they do not contain phosphates or phosphanates, non-biodegradable substances which can contribute to the proliferation of green algae.

Balance sheet

The essential difference found in this study is at the level of drying, it would seem that it is more interesting to use classic tablets and rinsing liquid to obtain a good drying, on the other hand none of the products was able to to remove burnt milk stains clinging to the bottom of a saucepan. The full study can be read in the September issue of 60 Million Consumers.