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The virtues of thyme, a plant that should come out of the kitchen.

The virtues of thyme, a plant that should come out of the kitchen.

We all know thyme.

This aromatic herb that is an integral part of traditional French cuisine.

But we know a little less about its medical virtues.

The common thyme found in our kitchens (Thymus vulgaris ) is an inseparable ingredient of grandmother's remedies.

Its health effects and benefits are numerous and recognized.

The virtues of thyme, a plant that should come out of the kitchen.

Antiseptic, healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory

It acts mainly on the respiratory tract, the skin and the digestive system.

For flu, colds, colds or bronchitis, it can be used as an infusion.

Another remedy with thyme:the poultice to be applied directly to the lungs.

For an effect against acne or to disinfect a shallow wound, it can be used as a lotion.

In case of bloating or digestive problems, just add it to your dishes.

You can also make an infusion that will punctuate a meal that is a little too hearty.

It's magic and it really works!

I have been using thyme for years to heal myself.

By the way, here is a very simple remedy that I got from my grandmother...

Inhalation or thyme steam bath

The virtues of thyme, a plant that should come out of the kitchen.

We have a cold, a head like a watermelon and an annoying tendency to "barler dez"!

To decongest all that and free our airways, here is a very simple recipe:


- a pan

- a towel

- two sprigs of thyme

- water

How to

1. Boil the water.

2. Immerse the sprigs of thyme in the water.

3. Stop the fire.

4. Leave to infuse for 2 minutes, the time that the active ingredients of the thyme begin to be released.

How to use it

You have to put your head above the pan. In this way, our nose can suck in steam . Yes, I know, it's not easy, stuffy nose...

But the steam will take effect and you will soon be able to breathe...

The towel will be used to create a tent above us and the pan.

It's like a mini sauna in which you will have to stay 5 to 10 minutes .

The steam will free our poor little stuffy nose.

And thyme, an antiseptic, rids us of the bacteria and microbes responsible for this bad cold!

Don't forget to blow your nose properly when you get out of the steam bath to release it permanently.

It is a simple, inexpensive and effective operation.

And it can be repeated as many times as you want until the cold disappears!

Savings achieved

Instead of running to the pharmacy to buy drops, lozenges and syrups, we use thyme.

It will effectively cure us of small sores and infections without ruining our wallet. Here, our remedy is free. A box of cold tablets at the pharmacy costs between €4 and €12.

Your turn...

Do you know of any other uses for thyme? If so, tell us about it in the comments. We can't wait to read you.