Family Best Time >> Food

5 Tupperware products that will revolutionize your life in the kitchen

When you run all day from right to left, there is one thing you hate to do:take the lead to cook. However, eating well, we love it! Chopped shallots in the salad, parsley on the meat, fish in foil… Yes, but here we are, we often don’t have the time (or the laziness) to do it. Because it's complicated, because it requires us to take out our robots, wash them.

With these 5 Tupperware products, all this is over! Now, it's simple and ultra-fast to simmer good meals in two-two and without having to stack the dishes.

Junior wants ham and parsley in his omelet? Hop, you draw the TurboTub, you grind a few turns and voila! With salmon en papillote? Ok, I put my Micro Vap' in the microwave. And floating islands for dessert? "No worries, Jun'", I just have to grind the Speedy Chef this time (you can do it yourself by the way! Come on, presto!).