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The spices to adopt to keep fit in winter

1/ Ginger

It is our ally against gastroenteritis! Freshly diced in a soup, mixed with fruit in a smoothie, ginger is an all-purpose spice that gives an exceptional oriental flavor to all dishes. It enhances fruit salads or simply rice cooking water. Tip:for better digestion after a hearty meal, you can bite into a piece or make an iced tea that you mix with water.

2/ Nutmeg

Nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties. Its specificity? It is anti-diarrheal and facilitates falling asleep. It is used to enhance the taste of our purées and soups. And to sleep well, we drink it in the evening in warm lemon juice with a little honey. A delight ! Be careful though, this spice contains substances that can be toxic. We therefore make sure never to take more than half a teaspoon per day and per person.

3/ Turmeric

Very sweet spice, with a beautiful yellow color, turmeric relieves inflammatory diseases and joint pain. It is also a very good remedy for the common cold! Turmeric is delicious when minced in a vegetable dish or even a bowl of cereal (we hadn't thought of that!) and it is consumed daily (1 teaspoon per day and per person). The trendiest option? The turmeric latte. We do not deprive ourselves of it!

4 / Garlic

Garlic comes from the confines of the Asian continent, it improves blood circulation and slightly lowers blood pressure. This precious bulb, which does not always have a good reputation, nevertheless prevents our body from cancer and flavors our salads, soups and sauces. The trick to having fun? Peel the pods and heat them by bathing them in olive oil. Yum!

5/ Coriander

Nothing better than coriander leaves to flavor dishes and bring our recipes to life! This spice, whose seeds and leaves are eaten, fights gastric acidity and relieves bloating. In winter, coriander is a real shield against viral diseases. Angina, bronchitis, flu and colds capitulate to its effectiveness. His particuliarity ? Even its roots are edible! We rush to get some!