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Lemon slices in soft drinks are full of germs

After peanuts, bottles of ketchup, salt, pepper, the menu, now slices of lemon are also being singled out as breeding grounds for bacteria. A study published in the Journal of Environmental Health reveals that these seemingly harmless little slices that servers place in our soft drinks promote bacterial proliferation.

Germs and feces

To reach this conclusion, the researchers did not do things by halves:they visited 21 restaurants and during 43 visits, they took samples from the skin and pulp of 76 lemons. Result:70% of them contain a host of microbes. Yes, the citrus fruit may have antimicrobial properties, but a wide variety of microorganisms can survive in its flesh and rind. Suffice to say that there is a good chance that the slices floating in our drinks are no exception to the rule! But that's not all, other tests have also detected feces in 50% of the lemons...

For those who already can't stand having a slice of lemon slipped into their Coke (and there are many of them!), it won't change much but the others may not be delighted with the results of his research... Well, at the same time if we listen to everything that is said, we would not touch anything or we would wear gloves all the time!