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The 3 golden rules for a healthy mixed salad

1/ Prepare a nutritious salad

One of the most common mistakes is wanting to go too light and composing a salad without protein. We are not making you a diagram, it is the winning recipe for being hungry 2 hours after the meal (and for falling for a sweet bar at the coffee machine…) If you want to eat only a salad, you have to t is balanced and therefore contains proteins (animal or vegetable), raw vegetables, starches (pasta, rice, cereals, etc.) and, if desired, a dairy product. We also prefer whole foods, which are more satiating. From this basic list, the possibilities are pretty limitless.

2/ Match food

Unlike the salad that is too light, there is also the mixed salad that is too rich in starches:the rice + lentils + quinoa combo is not really recommended. It's not particularly a matter of taste, or even weight, but rather of digestion:it may be more complicated and we'll have bloating and stomach ache in the afternoon.

3/ Opt for a homemade sauce

Industrial sauces are an easy solution not terrible on the nutritional level since they are super rich in sugars and salt (in addition to being caloric!). Instead, you compose your homemade sauce according to your tastes:oil, vinegar, herbs, salt and pepper. In order not to blow up the calorie counter, the secret is to dose:the mixed salad must not be bathed in the sauce, so keep your hand light.

So, who is the queen of the mixed salad?! It's new!