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What is the best way to taste Pim's? An expert answers!

It is well known, the British are attached to tradition and etiquette. There are guides to organize your “tea party” according to the rules of the art and even to taste the small cakes as an accompaniment. You do not believe in it ? Judge for yourself:the brand McVitie's, a heavyweight specializing in biscuits across the Channel, has given valuable advice to optimize the tasting of one of its flagship creations, the Jaffa Cake. This delicacy, popularized under the name of Pim's in France, corresponds to a sponge cake filled with orange jam (other fruity variants now exist) covered with chocolate on one side. Right away, we see what we are talking about! If, like 92% of Britons, you are a big fan of round cake, you certainly eat it in one of the following 4 ways:half-moon (like 35% of consumers), a first bite that gives it the shape of a 'a croissant then a second to finish it, in a circle (28%), you first bite into its entire edge, in one go (25%) or by scraping the jam with your teeth (6%).

Find the perfect combination of the 3 ingredients

So which category of gourmands opted for the technique superior to all the others? McVitie's enlisted food scientist Dr. Stuart Farrimond to answer the question. The secret lies in a precisely dosed combination of sponge cake, chocolate and jam. Thus, the “round” method seems the most appropriate:you bite the Pim’s on the edges in order to then access its center where the 3 layers are perfectly arranged which give its specific taste to the treat. “We conducted several experiments to determine where the ideal combination of chocolate, jam and sponge cake was. […] Although the half-moon technique is the most widespread, eating your Pim’s in a circle by tasting the turn and then its heart in a single bite is the one that guarantees the best flavor and sweetness “says the scientist. We'll think about it next time... It makes you want to taste all that!