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Ecotable, the new label that promotes eco-responsible restaurants

When you choose a restaurant, what decides you? The map ? The place? Opinions of people who have been there? The awards received by the restaurant? A new label has just been launched and it should appeal to a large number of people:it is the Ecotable label, which rewards eco-responsible places. Kesaco? Like Homemade, launched in 2014, which honors places where cooking is done on site, Écotable distinguishes establishments “committed to the food ecological transition”. In short, restaurants that make efforts for the planet and health.

Three levels of reward

Ecolabel is a label that has 3 levels, from least to most demanding. However, to win the precious sesame, establishments will have to meet specific criteria. For level 1, for example, it is necessary that at least 15% of the products come from organic farming and/or partnerships with local producers, that the menu adapts to the seasons, that at least one vegetarian option be proposed, that selective sorting be carried out systematically, etc. Level 2 is a little more demanding:at least 30% of products must be organic or local, plastic must be eliminated as much as possible and staff and customers must be made aware of environmental issues. Finally, level 3 requires more than 50% of organic or local products, maximum recycling of organic waste, no endangered fish species on the menu and maximum use of products from preparation to plate in order to limit the food waste.

The list of labeled tables is available on the Ecotable website:for the moment, the measure only concerns Parisian establishments, but it is obviously destined to extend to the whole of France!