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McDonald's now sells a vegetarian Happy Meal in the UK

More than a year after the release of its Grand Veggie burger, made with breaded pancakes with salsify, carrots, cereals, Emmental cheese and cabbage, McDonald's is extending its vegetarian offer to include children. Since January 3, 2019, the company has been marketing a vegetarian Happy Meal in its British fast food outlets, which contains a redesigned wrap to satisfy as many people as possible. It consists of a pancake wrapped around a fried stick of red pesto, ketchup and shredded lettuce and is guaranteed dairy-free. This is what makes it so vegan, but the Metro site specifies that the patties are passed through the same toaster as the hamburger bun, which contains milk.

The new recipe tested by young and old

To develop this new recipe, McDonald's worked closely with the BritMums network, an online media for mothers, and the Vegetarian Society, a charity that promotes vegetarianism. The wrap with the red pesto stick was chosen by children and parents as the option to remember. "We've been proud to work with McDonald's for over 10 years, and it's great to see their vegetarian offering grow even more. The brand told us that a third of its customers thought it was important to eat more vegetarian dishes. Demand is growing everywhere, and it's fantastic to see McDonald's meet the expectations of its aficionados says Lynne Elliot, director of the Vegetarian Society. We hope that the French branch will quickly follow the example!