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Focus on the Benefits of Autumn Vegetables!

Focus on the Benefits of Autumn Vegetables!

Hardly have we put away our swimsuit in the closet, when 'we already have to face the autumn freshness...

No question of losing my summer Olympic form, nor of succumbing to the slightest cold, I bet on the benefits of autumn vegetables.

A little zoom on these essential stars!

"Finish your soup if you want to grow!" Who has not heard or pronounced this memorable phrase? Well, yes, young and old, you have to eat vegetables!

They are packed with minerals and vitamins to help you fight off winter infections. In addition, and this is far from negligible, they are reasonably priced!

Focus on the Benefits of Autumn Vegetables!

My favorite? Cabbage!

That's good, he's in the spotlight! Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, romanesco cabbage… More? Kohlrabi, turnip, broccoli, red cabbage... It's everywhere!

All cousins ​​with different heads, they are a source of vitamin C and overflowing with imagination to enhance your fall recipes!

The leek puts on a show!

Less chubby than its friend the cabbage, it has nothing to envy:it is one of the most nutritious vegetables there is!

Diuretic and very low in calories, it is used in many slimming diets (provided you don't drown it in a too greasy sauce!).

Steamed, braised or au gratin, it will amaze you with its nutritional qualities!

The carrot? I bite it!

With full teeth! Rich in vitamins and mineral salts and in beta-carotene, it offers a concentrate of vitamins for my skin which helps me fight against its dryness and aging. It beautifies my complexion and prolongs my tan. A precious cosmetic ally!

Pumpkin is all round and it's good!

More colorful than its friend the pumpkin, the pumpkin is waterlogged and therefore low in calories and energy. Tender and tasty, its flesh contains a large amount of vitamin A which helps the growth of bones and teeth.

I eat it in soup or mashed potatoes. Cut into cubes and sautéed in the pan, it will be an original accompaniment for your salads!

If you are not yet convinced of the virtues of these autumn vegetables, skilfully strip them with a knife, cut them into small pieces and plunge them into a large pot!

There's nothing like the desire to simmer a delicious soup to chase away any autumn depression!

As an indication, a green cabbage costs me around 1€90 each, a bunch of leeks of 1kg at 2€50, a kilo of carrots at 1€50 and my pumpkin at 6€50 a piece of 3kg. To consume without moderation!

Your turn...

Want to talk about the benefits of other fall vegetables? Let's talk about it in the comments!