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The benefits of strawberries

Who said you had to be pregnant to crave strawberries? If this were the case, strawberries being one of the favorite fruits of the French, like many other red fruits in our gardens, we could quickly face a serious problem of overpopulation. Moreover, the French population being half composed of men, we can without too much risk consider this assumption as erroneous. Moreover, just bite into a very red strawberry to understand that its tangy taste and summer scent can make anyone addicted!

The nutritional benefits of strawberries

The benefits of strawberries

Thestrawberry is a true source of vitamin C , even dethroning the orange, a fruit considered a benchmark in this field. A portion of strawberries (approximately 150g) is enough to provide 80mg of vitamin C. In other words, a portion of strawberries can, on its own, cover the daily intake of vitamin C. In terms of minerals, the strawberry is a little less provided but very varied and balanced. It provides, among other things, calcium, which will be better assimilated by the body as the amount of vitamin C is high. All for a very low calorie intake , at 30cal/100g.

Curriculum vittae of Strawberry

The strawberry is the friend of healthy and eternally young skin (we can dream a little), on the one hand thanks to its richness in antioxidants , and on the other hand thanks to its action of dilating the ports and cleaning it in depth. Wild strawberries have the particularity of containing eugenol. And the animals know it well, this substance acts as an effective antiseptic, while giving the strawberry this deliciously spicy flavor. Finally, like most fruits, the strawberry participates in preventing the risk of cancer, in particular thanks to the ellagic acids it contains, and which have the particularity of taking the evil to the root, by cutting off the food for the cancerous cells.

Despite everything, people with fragile colons should be careful not to abuse it, because its seeds can be very irritating to sensitive organs. In addition, strawberries are powerful allergens . If you are predisposed to this type of allergy, caution is advised by testing with a small piece first. The histamine it releases in the body can trigger simple itching, as it can cause real allergic shocks. Last negative point, strawberries do not keep very well (no more than 24 hours in the fridge), and very quickly lose all their richness in vitamin C.

Make the most of your strawberries

Strawberries are very fragile fruits . Do not get carried away by the hysteria of finding them on the market display, buying 10 trays at once. Better to buy them a little at a time (don't worry, they won't go away until the end of the season) so that they are always fresh and firm. Also avoid buying strawberries in bulk that have already bumped, bumped, and been knocked all over the place, and will rot much faster.

Prefer French strawberries to strawberries from Spain or Kenya, whose cultivation for this type of product remains somewhat doubtful, their specialty being rather exotic fruits. The carbon balance of these strawberries which have traveled many kilometers is disastrous, on the one hand, and on the other hand, these strawberries are not very tasty. Strawberries are our land!

Strawberries accompanied by a finger of whipped cream (a finger, not an arm!) make a snack a real moment of pleasure. You can also sprinkle your strawberries with pepper, this enhances their taste in a completely surprising way.

Strawberries have enormous potential for adaptation in salads, whether savory, like the famous strawberry spinach salad (the perfect trick to help your child eat vegetables), or sweet. They go very well with avocado, prawns, lamb’s lettuce and even duck, among other things.

And for a vitamin cure, nothing like a bowl of strawberry soup for breakfast.