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The benefits of kefir

The benefits of kefir

Kefir resembles yogurt, but it is not. Kefir is a probiotic full of beneficial properties.

What is kefir?

Kefir is a drink made from good bacteria and yeasts. It is a fermented drink, which looks like a yogurt drink. The taste is fresh, sparkling and slightly sour. It tastes good with your breakfast cereal, in a dessert or in a smoothie. You can also drink kefir like this.

Is kefir healthy?

In the period when the term 'superfood' came into play, kefir was often labeled as a superfood. A varied diet is most important, but kefir does indeed fit in well with a healthy lifestyle. We have listed some of the health benefits.

Kefir improves intestinal function

Kefir contains many good bacteria. These bacteria support your intestinal flora.

Kefir stimulates digestion

Healthy intestinal flora help digest food, absorb vitamins and minerals well.

Kefir strengthens resistance

The probiotics in kefir have been shown to boost the immune system. Don't expect miracles, but a little support for your immune system is nice.

Kefir helps prevent fungal infections

The bacteria stimulate the production of white blood cells. These infection-fighting cells reduce the number of fungi in the vagina and reduce the risk of yeast infections.

Other benefits of kefir

  • Kefir has a positive effect on skin with eczema or acne, because a good intestinal function contributes to healthier skin.
  • It can help against asthma (it doesn't have the mucus-forming effect of milk), inflammation and chronic fatigue.

Make your own kefir? View the recipe.

This article previously appeared in Santé 4, 2014 | Image:Shutterstock