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The benefits of bananas

The benefits of bananas

Simple to transport and peel, the banana has it all. This is a fruit that is both practical and nourishing, the perfect snack for gourmet stomachs.

The nutritional benefits of bananas

The banana is a fruit rich in vitamin C. Cruel dilemma however for those who like them very ripe and very sweet, since the banana loses its vitamin content as it matures.

It is also rich in fiber, without attacking the digestive system, thanks to the presence of pectins. Bananas are one of the foods richest in potassium. It is also rich in magnesium which gives it soothing properties. Bananas are also one of the most caloric fruits with 95 calories per 100g, be careful not to overdo it.

Banana resume

The banana has a very low fat content, this allows the fruit flavors to express themselves freely, and make the fruit very tasty. Moreover, facts have long shown that bananas encourage the proliferation of cells helping to protect the mucous membrane against inflammation. Therefore, if your stomach tends to suffer from acidity or is prone to ulcers, this fruit will undoubtedly do you the greatest good.

Do you know serotonin? It is a substance that helps to relax, to feel more serene and happier. Well, bananas are very rich in tryptophan, a protein that is converted in the body into serotonin. Studies have therefore shown that some people with depression felt better (relatively of course) after eating a banana.

The benefits of bananas

Contrary to popular belief, bananas are very easy to digest, even more so than oranges or apricots. It is also one of the first fruits that we make children eat, after having crushed it into a puree. Its action on digestion, however, depends on its stage of maturation:immature it will be suitable in case of constipation, while very mature it will rather relieve diarrhoea.

Making the most of your bananas

If you want to take full advantage of the vitamins provided by the banana, you will have to eat it before it overripes and the vitamins partially disappear.

Similarly, if you rely on the banana to provide you with slow sugars, do not let it overripe because the starch is gradually transformed into fast sugars.

When shopping, choose bananas that are still a little green, because this fruit is part of what is called "climacteric" fruit, i.e. it ripens after being picked. Your bananas will therefore continue to ripen once you get home.

Do not put your bananas in the fridge because too low temperatures generally affect the quality of its texture once in the mouth.

Bananas go very well with other delicacies such as coffee, chocolate or rum. It also lends itself very well to a sweet/salty mix.